‘Nada de turbe’

Not too long ago, my mother passed on to me a short prayer often recited by my Lola Carmen especially in times of difficulty.

The prayer of St. Teresa of Avila,  “Let nothing disturb you or Nada de turbe,” teaches us to trust in an all knowing and loving God.

The internet and social media have  made the world smaller through fast online connectivity, but such assets as we all know also present to us the many troubles of the world.

There are 365 passages in the Bible that tell us not to fear. That is one verse a day that comes with a promise. In fact, casting all our cares isn’t just a promise … it is a command.

“Nada de turbe” reminds us that all things are passing and that God never changes. With patience as the prayer says, we can attain everything.

Although patience isn’t my best trait, I am learning that this is very true.

So in spite of all the troubles this world may bring, we can certainly rest assured that in the end, everything will be alright.

Nada de turbe y solo Dios basta.

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