The nation needs a disciplinarian president
The whole nation should brace itself for a disciplinarian Chief Executive. This is the kind of national leader who will never tolerate disorder and blatant violations of laws and ordinances. He is a leader who is control-oriented and is so fixated in upholding and implementing the laws and regulations no matter who gets hurt.
While prior heads of state might have focused too much on the human rights of the criminals, this president always take the cudgels of the victims of crimes and the innocent citizens who have suffered too much and too long, just because we had leaders and officials who had always been mindful of the rights of the murderers, the robbers, the kidnappers, and the rapists.
And so, the police officers and men and women should better be always prepared for unannounced and surprise inspection of police stations and detachments. The president, no less and his trusted underlings, with General "Bato" de la Rosa will just appear in surprise inspections and catch policemen with their pants down. If you have seen the movie "Heneral Luna," you will start to see the president himself disarming and suspending, demoting and even firing police superintendents and police inspectors who are negligent and incompetent. Police directors will be made to explain whenever there are illegal drugs and illegal gambling in their jurisdiction.
The president does not want to see half-clad men who are in drinking sessions beside public thoroughfares nor women who play "sakla" or "tong-its" while gossiping in public places. He does want to see children roaming the streets begging or selling sampaguitas and vexing foreign tourists.
The DSWD officials and personnel, the police and the barangay officials, the mayors and the other local officials should be warned that the president will order their removal or relief if they cannot clear the streets of beggars and street urchins. The president does not want to see garbage and thrash uncollected and giving the public threats to sanitation and health.
There shall be strict enforcement of curfew and minors with their parents shall be summoned for roaming around the city for no valid purpose. Smoking and drinking in public places shall be controlled, and no one will be spared for exercising their long-abused "freedom of spit," nor be excused for urinating along the highways. The government will construct enough urinals and remove any excuses for unsanitary and unsavory practices by undisciplined citizens and visitors.
Taxi, jeepney and bus drivers should be wearing uniforms, with dignity and respectability and shall wear shoes, with clean haircut. They should look and smell clean and should raccord their passengers due respect.
This is not a "teka teka" president who will be caught sleeping on the job. This is a head of state and head of government who will always be alert and on his toes, and will demand equal alertness and focus, complete commitment, and undivided attention from the lower officials.
Lazy, incompetent, and negligent personnel should either ask for an early retirement or tender their resignation now. Otherwise, they shall be fired, demoted, or suspended. At long last, we have a no non-sense president who will never tolerate mediocrity, never compromise the imperatives of a well-disciplined nation. President RoDu is the solution to the problems that for too long had caused us so many headaches and even anger and anguish. Let us give him a chance to succeed.
We need a disciplinarian, after all.
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