Thoughts to guide us by

(For May 2016)

As the BIG day in  May  inches in, we  face a most  challenging  feat – electing the President who will lead our beloved Motherland and the 104 million Filipinos in the next six years!  Let us etch in our minds that  electing the wrong candidates will have a long-lasting almost irreversible and disastrous effect on us all. Long after their term has expired  we still will  continue to bear the brunt of their inept performance and callousness for our welfare!

Fervently pray that our benevolent God lead to victory candidates with upright  moral values, humble, of good, strong, courageous character, decisive, bringing forth fresh, bright, positive ideas and lofty goals. Respectful of human rights, with high regard for women, children, seniors.   And a caring, compassionate heart to promote our welfare,  improve our lives.   Respectable!

Reap  the  rewards of  good governance ... VOTE WITH WISDOM!  Beloved countrymen: with open  eyes and minds look closely at the background and character of the candidates you are voting for.  Pray for discernment. Think of  our country and your families! OUR STAKES IN THIS ELECTION ARE TOO GREAT TO TAKE FOR GRANTED!

Peace, victorious POE to us all!

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