
BEDEVIL: “To cause great & continued trouble to or to torment or harass.”
The big news this week has largely been around an SUV brand and model that recently figured in an accident where the owner observed that his vehicle acted as if there was a “demon or devil” in the engine that caused Sudden Unintended Acceleration resulting in serious injury and damage.
The bizarre thing in the story is that it has grown from a consumer complaint posted on social media to a news item culled from Facebook. It has now turned into what media practitioners describe as a full-scale attack primarily by one media organization. Media practitioners and competitors are wondering why a consumer issue deserves an extended, multi-platform, multi-anchor coverage and commentary on the specific subject which is something out of the ordinary, considering the news value of the topic is the equivalent of an urban legend or a certifiable mystery even to experts.
This in turn has given birth to conspiracy theories pointing out the “uncanny timing” of the media focus and political attack 2 weeks after Mitsubishi Motors Philippines advertised that they were accepting reservations for the newest model Montero.
This of course did not escape the attention of a couple of public relations sharks who are either volunteering to help, or may have smelled blood and sense a feeding opportunity. Now the issue is slowly being used and manipulated by opportunistic operators claiming or sowing intrigue that a hidden hand, a competitor and a syndicate within ABS CBN is behind the brand and model bashing.
What is the real story in all this? That is actually the question on many people’s mind particularly in the motoring industry, journalists and of course the affected parties. Several big “personalities” have called me privately asking me to weigh in on the matter because they still associate me with “Channel 2” and ABS CBN even though I have not been in front of their cameras and microphones since 2003.
Big names in media have also asked for my input, knowing I dabble both in communications as a professional lecturer, as well as in car restorations where I own the mythical resurrection garage for cars that have rusted away, drowned in various major typhoons or been in serious collisions, turning them into “Frankenstein” cars.
First of all, the SUA news became a big item because “walang bago” after APEC. Nothing big or controversial has popped up after APEC, all the squatters and street people coming back is not news, Laglag Bala is not new, Duterte is not news, Poe is not new. SUA even though much of the material shown on Facebook are three to four years old, provide visual excitement and is proven interesting material on social media.
ABS CBN simply squeezed every drop of blood from the story because that is their job. Media habitually does this as long as the pickings are slim. It just so happen Dominic Almelor picked up the story first and ran with it. Now everybody including politicians are trying to whip the same horse or in this case “bedevil” Mitsubishi and their Montero, innocently or intentionally. Regardless of motives, the fact is people are reacting to the story because it is a consumer complaint, it gives people something to dabble in, and there is opportunity for media exposure.
That’s life. That is why I have always advised leaders and executives: Make a plan and face your accuser or in this case the media. Fortunately for Mitsubishi, it seems they have finally decided to do exactly just that by arranging a press conference next week.
Based on my seven years stay at ABS CBN, I know everybody tries to outgun, outtalk or outsmart everyone else on the same topic. That’s why they get mad if you don’t take their calls at four in the morning or agree to an interview. Aside from not getting fuel to feed the fire, an anchor’s greatest fear is being outshined by the next anchor or the next news program.
This is the reason controversy grows and forms a life of its own. Fire when fed will keep burning. But sometimes it can also burn the fire starter. Unfortunately this feeding frenzy or “mob attack” has started to create the impression that it’s a team effort or orchestrated or encouraged by management and comes back to bite ABS CBN. But just like SUA any allegation of conspiracy would be hard to prove because there is no evidence to the effect. The unrelenting search and demand for answers simply make media people look like pests or bullies against the “silence of the lambs.”
It might help our colleagues in broadcast who do “general topics” to consult or invite experts or professionals knowledgeable on the topic. After a whole week of “Bedeviling” Mitsubishi on SUA, our friends at ABS CBN are nowhere nearer to getting an answer or explanation because it is not in the corporate culture of Japanese conglomerates to be on television especially at the height of a raging media coverage.
They are culturally averse to publicity much less scandal. Besides which, after a whole week of being made to look irresponsible, unresponsive or incompetent, can we seriously expect them to appear in a radio or TV interview believing they will be treated with fairness and balance? Mitsubishi has been beaten to their corner, they more than anyone would want to clear things up, but not at the risk of more beating.
By calling upon motoring journalists, grease monkeys or car nuts, chances are they would have received a third party independent assessment or point of view on the matter. That is what many TV programs abroad rely on because the public tend to be jaded or don’t believe the direct statements of parties concerned or involved. Professionals and experts tend to bring sanity, truth or logic to chase out the devil called ignorance.
As for SUA, fact is the cases are few and far between, statistically too small to warrant any form of recall, voluntary or forced, because in order to do so, it must be proven scientifically that a danger to life and property exists as a result of a product or design defect. Unfortunately for the complainants, science requires this to be observable, can be repeated and documented. That has not been the case. This is one case where the better option is to fix the problem, not pick a fight, because nobody wins.
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