An alternative truth or an alternative lie?

My good friend, Lipa Archbishop, Most Reverend Ramon Arguelles has declared that the apparitions of Mary Mediatrix of All Grace to Sister Teresing Castillo, a Carmelite Novice in 1948 as “supernatural in character” and “worthy of belief,” overturning the results of an investigation conducted in 1951. In a decree dated last Sept. 12th, Arch. Arguelles approved the apparitions of the Mediatrix to Sister Teresita Castillo that occurred on September 1949, where miracles have now been attributed to this apparition.

A couple of years ago, I went to Lipa and Arch. Arguelles sent me a guide so I could enter the Carmelite Monastery to visit and pray at the very site of this apparition. Later, I was able to talk to Sister Teresing over the phone, although she no longer lives there but in BF Homes as she is already retired. But reading the periodicals and books on The Our Lady of the Mediatrix, I am a strong believer that the Blessed Virgin Mary came to Lipa in 1948 to warn us about a trouble no one ever expected until five years ago.

On Sept. 6, 2012, I wrote this piece in this corner, entitled, “China’s Intentions for Phl were prophesied in Lipa.” Allow me to reprint that piece, “Today Filipinos are wondering what really is the intention of China? In case people already forgot, China’s intentions for the Philippines was already prophesied 63 years ago. Yes, on Oct. 17, 1949, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared before Sister Teresita “Teresing” Castillo at the San Sebastian Cathedral in Lipa City, Batangas. I’m not inventing this, you can read it in a pamphlet entitled “I am Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace” by Teresita L. Castillo. But only people with a strong faith believe this as true.

So what did our Mama Mary say about China on Oct. 17, 1949? She said, “Pray hard for China’s dream to invade the whole world. The Philippines is one of its favorites. Money is the evil force that will lead the people of the world to destruction. Prayers, sacrifices self-denials and the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary will soften the heart of my Son as I said before.” If you want to verify whether this is true or not, please call Archbishop of Lipa Ramon Argüelles and he will even tell you that there’s more to this!

Notice that the Blessed Virgin Mary made this prophecy 16 days after the Oct. 1, 1949 victory of Chairman Mao Zedong against the Chinese Nationalists under Chiang Kai Shek. If you want more information on China’s intentions, there is a book entitled “China’s Plan to Dominate Asia and the World: Hegemon” written by Steven W. Mosher and published in the year 2000 by Encounter Books. You can also check it out on YouTube as I have already seen a video of the author talking about China’s intentions, which includes the Philippines and most of Asia.”

Of course, to people who are not spiritually inclined, they would scoff at this prophecy. But let me tell you something about the Blessed Virgin Mary, whenever she makes prophesy it always comes true. Just ask yourself, who ever thought that we would have trouble with China today? Filipinos love to go to Europe to visit Lourdes and Fatima in Portugal, now they don’t have to go that far at great expense… they can go and make a pilgrimage to Lipa. I too experience something when I was at the apparition site…but it’s just too long to write here. But believe me… my feeling when I visited Lipa was not much different when I visited Lourdes a couple of years ago.

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I read the column of fellow Star columnist Jarius Bondoc entitled “Iqbal’s version aims to condone massacre,” which in my book was a very well written piece that brings you to ask… why all of the sudden, eight months after the massacre of 44 Special Action Force (SAF) troopers is President Benigno “P-Noy” Aquino seeking an “Alternative Truth?”

Come now…what really is an “alternative truth”… isn’t it just another lie pretending to be the truth? Why then is the President trying to move the focus of the Filipino people away from the up and coming elections? I submit that we never had a closure on the Mamasapano tragedy, more so that strange things happened in Mamasapano when the hut where Malaysian terrorist and bomb maker Zulkifir “a.k.a. Marwan” Abdhir was found dead was razed for no reason weeks later and no investigation?

Let me remind you what Nazi Chief Propagandist, Josef Goebbels once quipped, “A lie told a thousand times assumes the substance of truth.” In this country, the Aquino regime has always engaged in propaganda and monkeyed with the truth; this is why we questioned why wasn’t there a Senate investigation on the Mamasapano massacre? We also questioned the Office of the Ombudsman so quickly cleared Pres. Benigno “P-Noy” Aquino III for any culpability on the Mamasapano tragedy. Now P-Noy is seeking an “Alternative Truth,” but he could very well be giving us an alternative lie!

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