Avalanche of betrayals against the people

The whole nation is now standing up as one to tell the government that enough is enough. The treacherous hikes in the LRT and the MRT fares, after the corporations that run them obtained the biggest government subsidies ever granted by any national budget, and despite the series of reduction in the prices of gasoline and oil products, illustrates how the government, without any warning, and sans any hesitation in the name of public interests, blatantly betrays the trust and confidence of the people. It will be a great slap on the face of our country if the rallies and demonstrations against this betrayal will continue until the Pope's visit.

No less than its own ally in the Senate, Senator Grace Poe has lambasted the administration for its lack of candor and forthright posture, in relation to the riding public, in particular and the people in general. It was some treachery indeed if we consider the fact that such an increase was suddenly and immediately made effective right after the holidays. In the Senate and congressional hearings on the budget deliberations, neither the ruling party nor the executives representing the DOTC, informed the Senate and the House about it. Senator Escudero also stood up to denounce such a cavalier posture of government.

By intentionally withholding that information, the government-owned corporations that operate and manage the LRT and the MRT respectively were able to wangle billions of subsidy taken from the peoples' tax money via the national budget. And then, the government asked for a supplementary budget. Again without revealing such a planned fare increases. The Senate and the House approved both the General Appropriations Act (the same was in fact already signed by the President), and the supplementary budget. And after getting all those massive financial support, the DOTC suddenly implemented the fare hikes.

The victims of this treachery are the millions of poor minimum wage -earners, who do not have cars and cannot afford the taxi and the UV and FX rides every day. The millions of students as well are hit by such a big hike so thoughtlessly imposed upon the people. There were no adequate public hearings. There has been no attempt to conduct an information campaign to forewarn the riding public. And until now, there is no explanation on the amount of increases imposed. In addition to these, the train rides will also be subjected to fare hikes. These, on top of increases, are the  bills for water and electricity.

With the minimum wages being pegged below the levels of the living wage, and with house rentals, tuition fees, cost of medical care and all prime commodities increasing beyond reach as well, then the poor in this country are really being squeezed from both ends. Indeed, it may be true that SA DAANG MATUWID, ANG MGA MAHIHIRAP AY INAGAWAN PA NG PANTAWID. Talk about man's inhumanity to men.


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