Duplicitous and deceitful
It is now very clear that this is the most duplicitous and intransigent administration we ever had. And this is so dismaying because the President himself has set the exam- ple which his subordinates merely follow. They really believe that they can fool the people all the time with their hypocritical public pronounce- ments. They think that the people will accept as true everything they say especially P-Noy who has repeat- edly claimed that he has transformed our government particularly in the area of graft and corruption, when he himself has utilized and even increased the sources of corruption by creating a presidential pork barrel known as the DAP.
More dismaying here is that instead of ordering the filing of charges against his kaibigan, kaklase and kabarilan who have been implicated in anomalies, like what he did to others outside his inner circle, he chal- lenges those who have gripes against them to file the necessary charges. If he is really an honest President out to reform and rid our government of all crooks, he should have them investigated for proper filing of those charges. This kind of duplicity and insincer- ity has obviously seeped down among his Cabinet members who are emulating their boss in Malacanang.
Most noticeable and deplorable in this connection are his people in the Department of Health (DOH) particu- larly Undersecretary Janette Garin. It must be recalled that Garin was one of the staunchest sponsors of the RH law when she was still a member of the House of Representatives. In a recent news item, Garin announced that the Department of Health will start distributing free artificial contraceptives to those who will need them pur- suant to the provision of the RH law. Such announcement really raised a lot of eyebrows because long before her announcement the DOH has already been implementing the RH law. And they have been doing so even without the issuance and publication of the necessary Imple- menting Rules and Regulations in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Court.
The DOH and Garin have never denied that they have already procured, advertised and distributed billions of pesos worth of contraceptives even without any IRR in place and despite the lack of certification from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that they are safe, legal and non-abortifacient or those that do not have the primary and secondary action of causing abortion as the Supreme Court (SC) has ruled. Garin herself has previously reported that they are distributing packets of contraceptives especially to teen-agers to ensure that they have safe and satisfying sex. A DOH Regional Director has also admitted that they are already implementing the RH Law.
Last June at the conference of the “Doctors for Life,” some doctors from the Visayas reported that the De- partment of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) gives conditional cash transfers (CCTs) to poor families only if the husbands agree to be vasectomized and the wives agree to be sterilized by ligation and their children ages 10-14 injected with anti-fertility vaccines. The doctors learned about these “no vaccines, no ster- ilization, no cash dole out” activities of the DOH and DSWD because they were approached for treatment of these children due to open sores all over their bodies caused by the anti-fertility vaccines injected into them. Apparently, the Visayas incident is not isolated and these activities are being clandestinely carried out by these departments all over the country.
In fact the DSWD is also implementing this no cash dole out policy in rural areas nationwide regarding the injection of anti-tetanus vaccines. While it is supposed to be anti-tetanus, studies in other countries already prove that these vaccines render a woman incapable of maintaining pregnancy. So in our rural areas, the DSWD in cooperation with the DOH require the injec- tion of this vaccine on women if they want to receive cash dole outs under the CCT.
Then Garin herself came out with a report that the DOH is implementing a “Family Planning Implant” in the form of a device shaped like a toothpick placed under a women’s skin. Garin said that this implant prevents pregnancy by preventing ovaries from re- leasing eggs for up to three years. According to Garin, this implant started to be used here about five years ago but it is quite expensive costing between P8,000 to P12,000. Now however the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will subsidize the implants here up to 2016 for 600,000 women. Considering that this Founda- tion is foremost promoter and supporter of abortion worldwide, there is every reason to believe that these implant are abortifacients.
There is no more doubt that this government has been deceiving our people especially with regards to this population control measure disguised as the “Respon- sible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012.” Before the bill was enacted into law, objections have already been raised that it is an anti-life and anti-family measure especially because it is being pushed by Obama who openly declared that the centerpiece of his foreign policy is “Global Health Initiative” which aims to control population through abortion. The RH law advocates kept on insisting that the law is not pro-abortion; that abor- tion is and will still be illegal even if this bill is passed. But now there is a petition filed before the Department of Justice which is drafting the Code of Crimes that will amend our Revised Penal Code, that abortion be allowed and considered justified if pregnancy arose from rape or incest and if it endangers the life of the woman. So the fear of the objectors is now happening. This RH bill that introduces the contraceptive mentality will eventually allow the killing of a defenseless and innocent child in our country.
And then there is also a bill now pending in Con- gress that will allow same sex marriage contrary to the basic concept of marriage as a union between a man and a woman. Apparently such bill would seriously affect the sanctity of marriage and the stability of the family which is the foundation of the nation.
This is indeed the only administration that has brought us into this morally and materially harmful and dangerous situation.
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