

UNA ready for battle

SEARCH FOR TRUTH - Ernesto M. Maceda - The Philippine Star

The United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), headed by Vice President Jejomar Binay, President Joseph Estrada and Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile issued the following manifesto:

“With the Filipino people, we cheered in 2010 the end of a regime marked by corruption, indifference to the people’s needs, and the misuse of government powers and resources for political ends as well as personal gains.

We welcomed the promise of reforms under the leadership of President Benigno C. Aquino III.

Today, these reforms have begun to bear fruit. But much still needs to be done.

The 2013 election is a historic opportunity to pursue legislation that would translate the reforms now being instituted by the Administration into concrete and tangible gains for our people in the next couple of years and even beyond.

Reforms are not an end in itself. Rather, reforms must better the lives of our people.

The United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) is a responsible partner of the Aquino administration in pushing its reform agenda.

We believe that the reform agenda is best served not by blind obedience but by responsible vigilance. As such, we will support and commend programs and policies that will benefit the Filipino people. But the party will also point out shortcomings and misguided policies. It is only by being a responsible partner that we can be true to the ideals of democracy, which we fought hard to regain in February 1986.

Democracy is about checks and balances, not political servility.

Democracy is also about giving the people choices and respecting their right to choose their representatives in this coming election.

The administration party cannot claim that they alone can help push the President’s vision of reform. Such political arrogance has no place in a nation that has grown tired of the political posturings of the past.

If we are to move forward, we must be willing to embrace the fact that no political group or personalities — no matter how close they claim to be with the national leadership — can claim a monopoly of good intentions, moral ascendancy, and competence to serve. The judgment should be left to the people and the decision of the people must be respected.

UNA believes that the 2013 election should not be a fight between two contending parties, not a fight between “us” and “them.” The real enemy is hunger and poverty. UNA finds common cause with other like-minded parties equally committed to fight hunger and poverty, which has enslaved much of the Filipino populace especially during the past administration.

As candidates representing the political groups composing UNA and as responsible Filipinos committed to pursue reforms that would improve the lives of our people, we intend to pursue a legislative agenda that would advance moral and transparent governance, promote greater accountability, improve the delivery of government services, encourage entrepreneurship, uphold the rights and welfare of women and children and persons with disabilities, attract investments and create more job opportunities for the Filipino workforce, protect our environment, address our people’s need for responsive health, education, and other social services, and achieve food security and energy independence by 2020.”

UNMANAGEABLE SENATE. . . LP Senator Franklin Drilon said the present Senate is the “most unmanageable bunch” ever. Who is he referring to? Senators Trillanes, Cayetano and Santiago who have been hitting the Senate President?

If Drilon believes in what he said, why are Senators given P55 million for their expenses?

Drilon is part of the Senate Majority. He chairs the powerful Senate Finance Committee. If the present Senate is unmanageable, he is partly responsible.

But, yes there is a lot of room for improvement in the present Senate.

JUETENG WAR. . . In a report submitted to President Aquino, the NBI and Sec. Leila de Lima conclude that the Atimonan Massacre was over control of jueteng in Southern Luzon.

But why kill 13 persons in the process? Why not a rubout of Vic Siman alone?

Whatever the motive, it is plain premeditated murder. It is sad that a police colonel with the go signal of his Regional Director planned and executed the ambush killings.

Yes, throw the book at them. The Atimonan massacre planned by ranking police officials indicates the depth of corruption in the PNP.

How can we solve the crime problem when policemen themselves are criminals? Another disturbing reality is the report that drug lords are protected by police officers.

A wide ranging revamp of the police is needed. In El Salvador in Central America, 50% of the entire police force was dismissed and changed.


1. Full scholarships to all poor high school graduates who want to go to college.

2. Give student discounts.

3. Full support to the K to 12 program including regular salaries for all kindergarten teachers.

4. Water impounding and rain conservation system for every public school.

5. Revive study now pay later program.

6. Triple the number of DOST science scholars.

7. Establish a science high school in every Ist class municipality.

8. Increase salaries of principals and teachers.

9. Put up dormitories in every state university and colleges.

10. Appoint a nurse for every public school.

11. Improve dental services.

12. Improve school feeding programs.

WELCOME ALLY. . . It looks like the 3,000 MNLF force has defeated the 200-man Abu Sayyaf group in Sulu. What the Marines have been unable to achieve, the MNLF has done it for them.

The Abu Sayyaf has reportedly broken up into small groups. The Marines should now enter the fray and conduct mopping-up operations.

Sulu thru the decades has been a problematic battleground. The big problem: so many guns are owned by thousands of residents.

ALL SET. . . Vice President Binay, President Estrada and Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile will lead in the proclamation rally of the UNA at the Maritima Park in front of the Cebu City Hall on Feb. 12.

Cebu City Mayor Mike Rama and Governor Gwen Garcia will host the rally with an estimated crowd of 50,000.

Expected to attend are UNA Senatorial bets Sen. Gregorio Honasan, Dick Gordon, Migz Zubiri, Jack Enrile, J.V. Ejercito Estrada, Mitos Magsaysay, Tingting Cojuangco, Nancy Binay, your columnist, common candidates Chiz Escudero, Loren Legarda and Grace Poe will also be proclaimed as UNA candidates.

TIDBITS. . . Barangay Ugong in Pasig was declared the best and the cleanest in waste management by MMDA. Barangay Chairman is Jesse Santiago.

THANK YOU. . . Again, dear readers we say goodbye to you as this is our last column because Comelec prohibits us from writing a column starting Feb. 12. We hope to serve you again after the elections. Thank you for your support.

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