Elections in US and in the Phl

The Catholic Bishops want the government to build more cemeteries. At the rate people are dying on the streets, in buses, in resorts, in motels, etc., the call needs attention.


Sec. Herminio Coloma told reporters that martial law victims would be compensated. Everyone in this country was a victim. Who got all the money to pay up?


I just read an article about retired generals. It says most retired generals have either all white or graying hair. Not surprising. Old soldiers never dye, do they?


As I write this, the US election is not yet totally over. So, let me ask: What’s the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans? One former US Supreme Court justice said: “Democrats would steal a hot stove. Republicans would put on their gloves first.”


A Fil-Am in Chicago said on tv: “We have only two political parties to chose from ... Unlike in the Philippines where there are dozens.” That’s why, I said to myself, Americans have only Obama and Romney contesting the Presidency. Limited choice.


In the Philippines there was a time when five people were vying for the Presidency. Including one who would change the name of the country to his name. And another who vowed to imprison men who would wink at women on the streets. Unlimited choice.


A foreign news agency reports that 60 percent of the people in the world who defecate in public places are in India. I refuse to think that the remaining 40 percent are in Phl.


In order to stop Indians from peeing in public places, the government has hired drummers whose duty is to look for people urinating in public places and beat the drum behind the peeing man to embarrass him.


The headline says: “Bus fare hike looms.” The bus driver’s skill and efficiency must come ahead of the fare hike. This according to a commuter who had figured in a mini-bus accident twice.


OVERHEARD. Members of a neighborhood women’s club were overheard talking about some causes of marital breakups. One of them said: “Rose ug Danny (not their real names) hapit ni-split kay kusog mohagok si Dan.” Commented another woman: “Ayaw pakauwawi si Dan. Akong mister bitaw manitsit ug usahay mokatawa samtang natug wa man nako buwagi.”

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