Reveal details of China talks

Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile is right to demand that Senator Antonio Trillanes must now disclose who were the Chinese officials he talked with in the 15 times he went to China. And also what was discussed and what was agreed upon.

Sen. Enrile revealed in a radio interview that Trillanes met with low level Chinese military intelligence officers.

Trillanes claimed credit for convincing the Chinese to withdraw their ships from Panatag islands, but the fact is there are still 3 ships there as confirmed by DND Sec. Voltaire Gazmin.

It is now clarified by Malacañang that it was Trillanes who called the President to offer himself as a back channel negotiator. Malacañang refused to confirm that it paid for Trillanes’ 15 trips.

The question now is why did President Aquino give Trillanes the go signal to negotiate with China?

It’s definitely an indication of lack of confidence in DFA Sec. Albert del Rosario.

NOT PASSED . . The bill to create Nueva Camarines did not get approved on 2nd reading because Sen. Joker Arroyo and Sen. Antonio Trillanes insisted on their right to interpellate.

This proves that contrary to Trillanes’ claim, Senate President Enrile was not railroading the bill.

It will be taken up again when sessions resume on October 8. The bill is sponsored by 4 Camarines Sur Congressmen.

EMPHASIS ON AGRICULTURE . . 2.9 million Filipinos are unemployed; 8.5 million are underemployed. The desired solution? Give a big push to agricultural employment. Open up more areas for farming. Increase the hectarage devoted to rice production.

Southern Tagalog farmers, 600 of them, are demanding for more government support for nationwide agri-mechanization, also increase credit facilities for farmers, subsidize distribution of certified seeds and step up irrigation construction.

It looks like we won’t attain self-sufficiency in rice by 2013.

MORE RICE SMUGGLING . . 200,000 metric tons of Vietnamese rice were seized in Legazpi, Albay. The importers could not produce any import papers. It appeared that the 5 consignees were faked.

The Senate committee on agriculture under Sen. Francis Pangilinan is continuing its investigation, expanding it to look into the 600,000 metric tons of imported NFA rice.

The name of David Tan has come up as the principal importer of rice.

SIN TAX . . The Senate adjourned without taking up the Sin Tax bill. Principal opponent is Sen. President Juan Ponce Enrile who declared the P60 billion predicted additional tax collection cannot be achieved.

Actually, the Abaya version passed by the House has reduced the target collections to P33 billion.

The Department of Health is pushing the bill as a health measure to fund the government’s universal health care program.

It will be passed but it will be watered down.

JPE BOOK . . The 700-page autobiography of Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile will be launched next Thursday at the Peninsula Hotel.

Enrile in a radio interview promised to answer so many questions in his book including events during 14 years of Martial Law.

Enrile served as Marcos Defense Secretary for 17 years.

He has been widely praised for his excellent handling of the Senate impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona. He is also credited for the smooth handling of the Senate Legislative agenda.

Even Malacañang is happy with his performance.

Enrile at 88 years old is proving that no one is too old to serve the nation.

Coming from humble beginnings in Gonzaga, Cagayan, Enrile rose to the top by dint of pure hard work and perseverance. He is a graduate of the UP College of Law.

Manong Johnny, our hats off to you.

 You have served our country excellently well. Thank you.

POLITICAL UPDATE . . A big group of Local candidates in Bohol led by Tagbilaran Mayor Dan Lim took their oath as UNA members before Vice President Jojo Binay last Thursday in Tagbilaran.

Dan Lim is running for Congress in the 1st District of Bohol.

Gov. Jun Ynares of Rizal is planning to run for Congress in the 1st District of Rizal. Cong. Joe Duavit will run for Governor.

Malacañang is scouting around for a candidate to run against Cong. Gloria Arroyo in Pampanga’s 2nd District.

Cong. Jon-jon Mendoza of Bulacan is running for re-election. His probable opponent — Boji Cabo Chan. Philip Salvador is running for Vice Governor of Bulacan.

Jay Lacson, son of Ping, is running for Vice Gov. of Cavite with Ayong Maliksi against Barangay chairman Jolo Revilla who has teamed up with Gov. Jonvic Remulla.

TIDBITS . . . Philippine Chamber of Mines president Benjamin Philip Romualdez said that $16 billion of income was lost due to Mining Executive Order No. 89. He said that $10 billion has also been lost due to the moratorium of new permits.

From January to August this year, 40 policemen have been charged for different crimes. PO3 Jessie Villanueva is charged for extorting P20,000 from a “sawa” owner is the latest charged.

Congratulations to Cris Valdez for winning the International Children’s Peace Prize at The Hague. Cash prize is P5.4 million.

President Erap Estrada called Sen. Trillanes an “ingrate.” He said Trillanes’ head has become so big, he could not enter an elevator door.

Gov. Toto Mangudadatu with the help of 6th Infantry Division chief Gen. Rey Ando brought medical missions and relief goods to poor residents of Datu Hoffer, Datu Saudi, Shariff Aguak, Ampatuan and Datu Unsay towns.

The Mindanao Commission for Women has launched a food cart revolution program for poor women. Investment is only P50 a day to get a modern push cart.

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