Stand up to China!

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tells ASEAN to unite against China. She is in Indonesia to show support for a “regionally endorsed plan to ease rising tensions by implementing a code of conduct for all claimants to disputed islands in the West Philippine Sea.” In other words, put up a stand against China’s seeming bullying over all the islands in the West Philippine Sea!

It seems America has finally taken a stronger stand against China’s aggressive moves in the disputed islands of the Spratlys and Scarborough Shoal. Their building larger structures that are apparently self-sufficient, including a military garrison have alarmed everyone, including America. This part of the world has become a point of interest, prompting the US to send a large size of its fleet to the area concerned. According to the US, it is to prevent anyone from accidentally getting too riled up and causing a shooting war to erupt! It is also to secure that the shipping lanes are free from any one country’s, especially one who wants everything, control.

It is clear that China just wants everything without any resistance whatsoever. They do not even want to bring the whole issue to an international forum, because for them, there is nothing to dispute as it is all theirs! What an attitude! I really hope this is not the tone taken by President Hu Jintao when he meets and speaks to President Aquino in the annual APEC meeting to be held in Russia! According to a DFA spokesperson, the Philippines will not be the first to bring the issue up.

China is definitely concerned about the AFP modernizations that are ongoing, and the now obvious US involvement on the issue. With Clinton making the rounds in ASEAN, China is already crying foul on the matter. This is what happens when you become wealthy. You just become arrogant as heck! Like no one is supposed to be powerful enough to take them on, even in a provocative way!

I’m actually glad the US has taken a more active stand on the issue, without being outright in it. I can just imagine the militants and all the anti-US groups crying foul over Clinton’s obvious forum shopping. But what can we really do? Do they have the answer to the China crisis, because I would like to hear it! Unless we can truly stand up to China’s powerful presence and military might, we should be at least thankful about all the help we can get!

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