Daghan kaayong salamat, Sugbo!

(Part 2 of 2)

The following text is a continuation of the acceptance speech I initially prepared to deliver at this year’s Governor’s Ball (but decided on the spot to forgo with), the first part of which was published here last Saturday, August 25, 2012.

Like what I said in that Islands Souvenirs campaign a couple of years ago, ‘Cebu is where ordinary people like me make even the most extraordinary dreams come true.’ Daghan gyud kaayong salamat, Sugbo!

To Governor Garcia, for supporting each and every program I’ve had—back from when I was a student leader, through the time I served as National Youth Commissioner—you’ve shown me and the several international youth delegations who’ve visited Cebu how it’s all done. You’ve set a standard, a benchmark for governance and hosting delegations, whether local or international, which has made me proud and set a mighty fine example. Thank you, for all those, and for this, this honor, this pat on the back, that I humbly reluctantly accept because my cup, it overflows.

To former President Arroyo, much reviled, much maligned, thank you Ma’am for the opportunity to serve the country; you took a chance in me—at 21 years old, fresh from college, not having politicians for parents—and allowed merit to rise above everything else. You were my first real boss, that was my first job, and I witnessed firsthand how remarkably you did yours—so hardworking, so dedicated, so focused on the results. No matter what people say, cognizant of your imperfections, you were a good leader. And whether people believe it or not, you did a lot of good for this country. My stint in government taught me much, it was both empowering and humbling, and there, I developed a strong sense of ‘what to do, and what not to do,’ most of all, it gave me countless opportunities to define myself and my personal brand of leadership.

It was an honor serving your government. Thank you, Ma’am. Keep it strong.

To my TINGOG Carolinian Family and the University of San Carlos, for helping me find my passion and what makes me come alive, my deep appreciation goes out to you. Nothing can be more tragic than living your entire life not knowing your purpose, your mission, not knowing how you can pitch in and make a difference. I was extremely blessed to know my passion early on in life, and I have my TINGOG family and USC to thank. I am a work in progress, to be sure, and I still very much look forward to the world surprising me each waking day, but I am happy to be lucky to know what makes me tick, to know what battles are worth fighting for, and what principles and long-held beliefs are non-negotiable.

With TINGOG and within the confines of USC, I learned some more how we can never please everyone (and we ought not to try). So to all those who’ve always doubted me, those who’ve chosen to define me by one mistake and never gave me the chance to redeem myself, those who’ve never believed I could be anything or anyone, thank you. I’m tempted to say “we shouldn’t care about them, these negative people,” but no, I won’t say that. We should at least care enough to prove them wrong.

And to the wind beneath my wings, my family, my constant inspiration, thank you for the gift of unconditional love, laughter, and faith. There aren’t enough words to show all my love and appreciation for all of you, Papa, Mama, Bianca, Minnie, Anton, my niece Arya, and to Manang Pelang, technically our nanny but officially and actually our second mother. I love you all with my life.  

And all glory, all honor, is reserved for Señor Santo Niño, the Holy Child Jesus of Cebu, for always looking after me, giving me what’s best for me, all in His perfect time. I love you Niño! I love you Mama Mary of Perpetual Help!

The first 29 years of my life have been a rollercoaster of dreams coming true, hearts broken, events larger than myself taking over, truly interesting times. My wish for all of you is the same: May you live in interesting times.

By the way, did I mention that apart from all of these, I’m kind of psychic? Seriously. And my prediction: for Cebu, the governor, for you and me, the best is yet to come!

Thank you and good evening.


Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeAcebedoLopez

Twitter: @MykLopez

Email: mikelopez8888@aol.com

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