Keep the crocodile out

The world’s largest captive crocodile just got lucky. He will be given P1 million by no other than Rep. Tomas Osmeña of Cebu City’s South District. He says, “it’s a matter of principle,” noting that Malacañang is bullying the local government unit.

Lolong, the crocodile captured in the Agusan Marsh in September last year, is being kept in a customized pen as of this writing. There has been a demand from national authority to transfer him to the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center. This environment would be totally different from the home he knows now. The Bunawan Ecopark and Research Center, which houses the crocodile, is a big help to the community since it is a source of jobs and other means of livelihood.

The P1 million will come from Osmeña’s Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF). He said no law prohibits a congressman from allocating his PDAF for an area outside his district. He pulled out funding to projects in his district since they were opposed by Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama.

While Tomas’ intention may be good, he has said too much.

We all know about his plans of running as Cebu’s mayor for the 2013 elections. Is this part of his advocacy to preserve the environment? Or is it just another gimmick to be publicized? Sure, the public already knows his intentions, why make things any worse? If this is his assumed call to the protection of the ecology, then put words into action, sir. The P1 million, which is about to be released for Lolong is nothing compared to your property and assets. We won’t even count the number of years you were in service for the Cebuanos and the Visayans.

Whatever clash he has against Mayor Rama, Osmeña should keep the crocodile out of it. Let’s be adult professionals who do not rub dirt on each other and then play the blame game. A genuine heart, which cares for the animal, does not need to mention how and why it has to be given aid.

Well, it was a very good public statement indeed - disclosing his charity work to the media and using the money of the people for his publicity.  

Poor Lolong, he is in the middle of a crossfire not knowing what is fate would be. It is better to let him stay in a place he calls home. If Osmeña’s plan pushes through, Lolong will be keeping his home and we are bound to a mayoral candidate who will be proud of his community work.

We just hope the “principle” he is talking about is not his scheme to winning elections.

Please, keep the crocodile out of your mess. He is just as innocent as any ordinary crocodile can be despite his international recognition.

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