How do you show your love for your country?

I will show it through embracing Filipino arts, culture and values. – Julius Verallo

I’d rather choose to work here in my country than to work abroad because in this way I can contribute to my country. I can also show my love by patronizing our own products and following our laws. – Mary Jane V. Catriz

Expressing your opinion of what’s going within the Philippines, probably is a must for every OFW right now. By the time you will leave the country and get used with another culture then you will see how stupid the way our governance is. From the moment you will step down the plane from an international flight, you can already see how some Filipinos are taking advantage of the situation, from customs, immigration, airport officials and down to ordinary porters. For me, expressing our opinion is already one of the best ways to show my love for the country. – Jun Tenchavez

Paying taxes and not supporting corrupt practices in both business and govt. agencies – Raymond Lapena

A lot of people told me to go to abroad because of my world-class talent “kuno.” But I made my name here and I am happy and content to stay here because I love my country. No matter where you are, if you are talented, you will be recognized. – Wenwen Zaspa

Be concerned, be involved – Ritchie Salgado

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