Reader's views

Christian reconciliation, forgiveness and parental responsibility must go hand in hand In molding our youth to become persons of integrity and personal discipline, there is a solemn partnership with the parents and the school.

The parents are indispensable partners of the school in carrying its Vision-Mission.

The school and the parents have the same goal - that of forming the child to become whole, mature, happy and fulfilled individual who will live responsibly in society to which s/he belongs and is called to serve.

This is a covenant to which the school and the family agree upon to nurture and to live by.

Lest we regress to a culture of juvenile delinquency and errant behavior, the parents and the school need to consciously and constantly take to heart their respective responsibilities.

In the case of Libi vs Intermediate Appellate Court, GR No. 70890, September 18, 1992, our Supreme Court highlighted the parents’ responsibility and held that parents are and should be held primarily liable for the liability arising from criminal offenses committed by their minor children under their legal authority or control.

Under RA 7610, in relation to Art. 59 of PD 603, parents who cause or encourage their children to lead immoral or dissolute lives are criminally liable for child abuse.

Parents are required to keep their children away from vices and harmful acts such as smoking and drinking.

In fact, even the act of allowing children to drive without license is already considered child abuse on the part of the parent or guardian concerned under RA 7610.

We, thus, wish to affirm the overriding responsibility of parents to partner with the school in molding their children into persons of character and integrity.

As Christians we are always ready and willing to reconcile and forgive.  But in the same way that we affirm the Christian teachings of forgiveness and reconciliation, we also uphold the primordial requirement of parental responsibility.

Atty. Bernardito A. Florido and Atty. Joan Largo

Counsel for STC, et. al.

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