You too.Ombudsman Conchita Carpio?

The lawyers of Chief Justice Renato Corona, notably the beautiful and brilliant Atty. Karen Jimeno, Atty. Tranquil Salvador and Atty. Paulo Quicho will be brainstorming in Cebu today to be the special guest on my talkshow, Straight from the Sky (which I will be showing timely this coming Monday), and afterwards, they will have a presscon at 4:00 pm at the Cebu Country Club and do some radio interviews.

This is one way for the defense team of CJ Corona to go directly to the people who apparently are confused as to what really is the truth behind all these accusations against the Chief Justice because of the non-stop black propaganda that he has been getting, courtesy of the Malacañang Palace Rasputin’s whose job is to destroy the reputation of those whom Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, III dislikes. They are here to answer your most intriguing questions and above all, separate the lies from the truth.

It is common knowledge that these black propagandists have thrown everything at the Chief Justice, including the proverbial kitchen sink. If there was a lull in this smear campaign it was due to the Holy Week and the recess of the Senate, which gave the Filipino people a chance to look at today’s reality and shift their focus on the real issue behind why PNoy is hell-bent on destroying the reputation of CJ Corona. And you guessed it right! It is because of the Hacienda Luisita, wherein the Supreme Court decided with finality last April 24 that the sugar estate belongs to the farmer beneficiaries and not the Aquino-Cojuangco families.

That Supreme Court decision did something for the tarnished reputation of CJ Corona. After being “tarred” by the black propagandists, the farmer beneficiaries in Hacienda Luisita dubbed him as the “Champion of Land Reform.” Indeed, it was about time that the Aquino-Cojuangco families got a taste of their own creation called the Comprehensive Land Reform Program (CARP), which many landed Filipinos had no choice but to accept.

My mother’s family, who own the Segura Farms in Catigbian, Bohol, which my grandfather, Capt. Valeriano Segura, bought prior to the war and turned into a 300-hectare rice, corn and coconut farm was “CARPED.” Only 50 hectares were left for his eight children and a host of grandchildren. Please don’t get me wrong. We are not bitter about losing a large tract of land. What pisses us off is that powerful politicians like the Aquino-Cojuangcos end up being exempted from their own CARP law!

What pains many Filipino land owners further is that, perhaps Pres. Benigno “PNoy” Aquino, III and his family do not realize that most Filipinos already know their “secret”… that PNoy’s hate campaign against CJ Corona to the point of having him impeached by a keystone cop prosecution team only reveals their temerity to hang on to this prized sugar estate that they should have given to the poor way back in 1967.

This coming May 7, Monday, the hostilities in the Senate will resume and already this week, the black propagandists have already begun spinning their ugly web of deceit. I’m sure you must have read the news that last April 20, Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales ordered Chief Justice Corona to explain in writing how he managed to have millions in several peso and US dollar accounts? This brings us to ask the question ... How did the Ombudsman know that the Chief Justice had those bank accounts? Surely her evidence is different from what was presented by the prosecution team?

The news reports say that the Ombudsman acted upon “several complaints.” Come now, perhaps the Ombudsman should also practice some kind of transparency because I suspect that those complainants came from only one source… the black propagandists of PNoy. I recall just a couple of weeks ago, Inquirer columnist Roberto Tiglao exposed some fake letters to the editor that were published that proved that they were done only by one or a few individuals, who may be in the payroll of Malacañang.

If you ask me, it is wrong for the Ombudsman to run after CJ Corona while the impeachment trial is still going on because we know too well that her office has a huge backlog of unsolved cases. She owes it to the Filipino people to reduce the backlog that piled up during the time of her predecessor Merceditas Gutierrez. To date, the Ombudsman has not yet made a report whether the huge backlog has already been reduced.

However, I suspect that the Ombudsman is acting under the orders of PNoy who appointed her into that office and therefore, she cannot say no to the President. It looks like the office of the Ombudsman is now being used by Malacañang to further put more pressure on the Chief Justice.

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