A real cause for apprehension and worry

According to the National Statistical Coordination Board, there are over eight hundred people for every police officer in the country. They go on by saying that the CALABARZON region has the worst ratio, with over one thousand two hundred people for every police officer. With that in mind, the Philippine National Police (PNP) states that the total crime rate of the country has gone down, and it only seems like crime is rampant because of the media exposure that high profile crimes are getting. The PNP does admit that they are undermanned, and just cannot look after everybody, considering the ratios given above. 

That is cause for alarm. First, we have an undermanned police force. While the PNP admit they are undermanned, is this already a valid excuse for everyone to accept when crimes do occur? Is this hand washing by the PNP? What does a generally low crime rate mean when you become part of the statistic? When your loved one becomes a statistic? I can see the rationale of coming out with a statement like this. The PNP is under fire from the rash of heinous crimes that have occurred in the last six months, three of them all happening within the UP Los Baños community, four of them in the province of Laguna! As a friend from Singapore, which has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, told me, low crime doesn’t mean no crime. Saying that crime has gone down, doesn’t give the peace of mind that the people need. It only makes them worry even more, when their own police force seems to be trivializing the “few” crimes that are occurring.

Second, there is no data or statistic being released as to how many police officers of the PNP are themselves involved in criminal activities! This is evident in the Lea Angeles Ng case, where she was abducted by armed men, who later, thank God for CCTV, were identified as police officers! Her head was bashed in and her body was thrown into a septic tank to rot! This particular data should serve to raise the crime rate exponentially. It is an absolute factor in the equation. How can the citizenry trust the very organization, the very people who are sworn to protect them? Two of the three suspects in the killing of UP Los Baños student Rey Peñaranda were relatives of barangay officials, and had standing warrants of arrest! How they were seemingly ignored and allowed to roam free questions the complicity of the local police force!

There is good reason for people to be worried, to be apprehensive with regards to the peace and order situation of the country. We have very few policemen to enforce laws, and we’re no longer sure who is to be trusted! It is the obligation of government, a civilized government, to provide and maintain peace and order, for the peace of mind of its citizens. What the PNP lacks in manpower may be overcome by technology, and by true, honest, dedicated and moral police officers. When that will happen, is what adds to the apprehension of the whole country!

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