Are we buying 'peace'?

With the latest news reports on our past and present administrations’ peace negotiations in the south, one can’t help but wonder, “Are we buying peace?” Does it cost us P31 million to pay-off the Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB) and P5 million to stop the MILF groups? I am very sure that there is more to these issues than meets the eye.

These government spokesmen especially the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) can give us all the explanations or the reasons behind this silly act. They can confuse the public as much as they want but in the end we will all know the truth – because the truth will always prevail.

OPAPP must be true to what they say that they follow and espouse as a policy the President’s call for transparency and accountability.

In a phone patch interview last week, Teresita Quintos Deles, Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process was trying her best to explain the ABB and the PAMANA funding. But her reasoning was not very clear. She was going around in circles and even stuttering as she groped for words to use as she seemingly weaved a new story in her mind. The radio listeners could not get any clear understanding of what she said and the radio commentator even ended up saying that he developed a terrible headache just listening to her. Susmariosep! One thing is for sure. Her facts were not straight. She mentioned in the interview that the AFP National Development and Support Command (NADESCOM) group used the funds for their projects in war-torn areas. Last time I heard from the NADESCOM group is that they need more funds that is why they turned to private companies to give donations. Had they been able to use the funds mentioned, then, they surely wouldn’t have to turn to the private sector.

Yesterday, Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda insisted that funds were meant for training and development and not to buy peace. Alright! Mr. Lacierda, can you clearly tell us where did the training and development happen and who conducted them? Are you talking of the questionable funds being particularly used for this specific training and development? How can we believe you when we are also knowledgeable of the AFP’s PAMANA program and the NADESCOM projects? By the way, the Ayala Foundation, ABS-CBN Foundation, Shimizu Foundation including OB Montessori Center and other private groups support NADESCOM’s commitment in building peace in the war-torn areas. We were in fact, honored just two weeks ago by the AFP NADESCOM group at the Officer’s Club in Fort Bonifacio during a Partner’s Appreciation Night where I saw Secretary Dinky Soliman and Presidential Adviser on Peace, Teresita Deles. I was even surprise to see her since she has not been actively involved with NADESCOM for quite a while now.

Anyway, I still wonder what P-Noy sees in Deles other than her being part of the Hyatt 10? Remember Deles served as Arroyo’s peace adviser until she resigned along with the so-called “Hyatt 10” in 2005. She returned to her post when Aquino assumed office in 2010. She was also accused of using public funds (of OPPAP) to support the presidential campaign of former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. So what’s the buzz? If she were really good then she would have been able to resolve the problem a long time ago.

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Pet Peeve: This Administration should stop blaming the Estrada and the GMA administrations for what has been done in the past. You are the present and you can command or maneuver things to do what is right. The problem is that you are allowing things to continue moving the way it was and without tight controls. This is your presidency and you are the captain now. Don’t allow the citizens to make you a laughing stock. Warn your staff to be careful of their words, expressions and explanations or you’ll always end up like the funniest clown in town – always tripping.

As the late US President Harry S. Truman said “The buck stops here.” This means that the President has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions. He shouldn’t ‘pass the buck’ to anyone else but must accept personal responsibility for the way the country is governed. Therefore, he must have total command and control of his people (and their actions) or else remove them ASAP!

You have to be very careful of the public’s perception of your administration. Your press releases on the MILF and ABB issues have made us believe that you are truly buying peace. If this impression is wrong, then change it immediately. Do you really want us to feel that in order to get funds for more training and development in remote areas, people must become rebels? We seem to be getting a wrong perception of what you really want to impress upon the public. Stop confusing us please.

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For what its worth, GMA may have government cases piled up against her right now but how can she face the music when her neck can’t even move? Let her go with her husband but maybe keep some of her kin here to assure us that she will not run away from her obligations. Secretary of Justice Leila De Lima is a good human rights lawyer, I’m pretty sure she knows how to work out a good compromise. I pray that God gives her true compassion and wisdom to make the best decision for GMA and for the country.

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This week is the book launch of my father’s biography, MAXIMO V. SOLIVEN: The Man and the Journalist by Nelson A. Navarro published by La Solidaridad. Oftentimes, people ask me, what do you think your dad would have written about this or that? Well, if you know the man and the principles he lived by, you would easily figure out how he would react to the pressing issues of the day. In this case I think he would advise the President to strengthen his Cabinet and choose his players not out of friendship but more so, out of ability, skill and credibility. Buy the book. It will give you a good insight into the colorful world of the pre-martial law, martial law and post martial law eras and of course of the man who amused us and inspired us to love our country with his humor and wisdom.

For more information on the book email at: <>

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