The untouchables

A 16-year-old youth was nabbed for drunkenness in Quiapo, Manila. But he was a minor so he was made to go Scotch free.

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 A 10-year-old boy was beaten to death by his classmates in a schoolroom in Baguio City. The boy’s parents naturally raised hell. They were angry at the school authorities for their neglect. The school authorities in turn were angry at the parents for being angry. Come again?

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 When your 10-year-old son is beaten to death by his classmates in a place where the kids are supposed to do something good, must the parents cheer the school authorities for a job well done?

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 In Laguna, a 15-year-old boy has admitted robbing, raping and nearly killing his former employer. But police said they could not arrest, let alone jail, the suspect because he was a minor. A minor committing a major crime....

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 Residents living near a creek have gone to court to stop city officials from demolishing their houses which could be wiped out by floods or landslide. “Mother nature can do that job, right?” comments someone.

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 A psychologist says chatting — a decent term for chika-chika — among friends may trigger positive emotions. Because laughing, which usually comes with chika-chika, is good for the immune system and may lengthen your life.

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 So laugh! And laugh till the world laughs at you and asks: “What’s the matter? What’s so funny with the world today?

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 Bitaw. Let’s laugh when there’s a good reason to laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Haven’t we — you and I — heard about this a million times?

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 It was Clean Up the World Day last Friday. The clean up job, however, was concentrated only on the clogged up rivers and creeks. Noy Temyong said: “They should have cleaned up other dirty and garbage-filled places too.”

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 Noy Temyong said he was referring to the other passageways and waterways whose flow to economic prosperity is blocked by garbage known — to him and to us too — as corrupt elements in government.

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