Wedding Negrito style

The FREEMAN is now on its 92nd year of serving Cebu. And on its 40th year of providing me employment. It’s a joyous occasion.

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Fun runs are being held almost everyday. Some are prestige runs, others, like those sponsored by fly-by-night groups are run of the mill.

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 “Binay Rating Drops” — Headline. Sir Jojo should know the reality of life — that when you’re on top there’s no other way to go but down.

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PNoy should not cringe each time his rating drops. If he does good, there’s so much space at the top for him to rise to.

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It says here that marriage is going out of fashion in the Philippines. Oh, my goodness! We’re going back to the days of Aetas or Negritoes? I once witnessed a wedding in a Negrito community. The man (groom) would chase the woman (bride) around some thatch huts and both become husband and wife after the man catches the woman.

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Someone asked: “Kon dili madakpan sa lalaki ang babaye, way kasal?” Hehe. Never was there a Negrito wedding where the man failed to catch the woman. You guessed it. The woman would not give the man a hard time. Magpadakop.

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The DILG chief has refused to reprimand Davao City’s Mayor Inday Sara Duterte. Well, this is a free country. Every government department head is free to save his neck.

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It says here that many college girls today are wearing men’s briefs. It also says here that there are lots of men today who wear ladies’ panties. What’s happening to our country, General?

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Many years ago, there was this foolishness called “Panty Raid” in Manila. Fraternity neophytes undergoing initiation were commanded by their masters to raid ladies dorm with an eye exclusively on coed’s panties. Some neophytes didn’t make it to the frat list because some observers said they were too decent.

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Today no initiation like that “Panty Raid” is taking place. What the frats are using now to test a neophyte’s sincerity is the paddle. Of course, you’ve heard about it. No need for me to describe it. Because I’ve run out of space. Hehe.

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