The dress code for women receiving Holy Communion

BANNED ATTIRE. Time and time again we hear parish priests admonishing churchgoers, especially their women parishioners, against wearing short shorts, sleeveless and midriff-blouses, etc. in going to church, especially when receiving Holy Communion. But this admonition often falls on deaf ears. One recent Sunday morning, a member of a Catholic women’s organization got into a verbal clash with two young women whom she reminded of the church admonition. “Nganong manghilabot ka man, pari ka ba? Ikaw bay tag-iya namo?” the tough talking women lashed at her. She was forced to leave in a huff.


“This ban on improper women’s attire in church is a legitimate rule,” said a retired judge. “The problem is the rule is not implemented with strictness.” A mediaman calls it a “here today, gone tomorrow” rule.

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