People can't subsist on hate, vengeance

STILL WAITING: Instead of dissipating his short working hours and venting his spleen on his favorite hate-objects, maybe President Noynoy Aquino should try something more positive — like finally drawing up and pursuing a holistic program that will improve the quality of life of our burgeoning population.

The President should not allow himself to be distracted from the more basic and immediate needs of the common tao. Many people are starting to ask if he has a program, a road map, a vision, at all.

Those who are close to him should remind our President that he has been in Malacañang for nine months already. The expectant masses to whom he promised a change for the better are still waiting. And they are getting tired of excuses and the passing of the buck to the previous regime.

Filipinos will evince more pride in themselves and be more productive if only there are enough decent jobs, cheaper food and fuel, affordable education and medical care, and if they feel more secure in their person and their homes.

The people, now talking of creeping hunger and a fading trust in their leaders, cannot subsist on a diet of hate and vengeance carried over from the 2010 presidential campaign.

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DO NOTHING: Till past the deadline, we continue to get reactions to our suggestion that maybe we should just change the name of the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Resting Place of Heroes) to dodge the delicate question of whether or not to bury the late Ferdinand Marcos there.

A big number of people object to the proposed transfer to the Libingan of Marcos’ cadaver — now refrigerated in a glass case in his hometown of Batac, Ilocos Norte — mainly because they cannot accept that he is a hero (bayani) deserving interment in that hallowed ground.

I find most sensible the reaction of Jojo Andrada who said: The best move here is to DO NOTHING. Status quo. Pabayaan niyo mainip yung mga naghihintay ng kasagutan. Hindi naman kasi importanteng isyu ito.

Another reader (IMC123) agreed: Let the status quo stay. We have more important things to think and talk about. Patay na si Marcos, wala na tayong magagawa diyan, except to forget him and not allow him to disturb and divide us from the grave.

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FEEDBACK: Other reactions of readers to the suggestion to rename the Libingan:

IMC123 — It is obvious that the name Libingan ng mga Bayani (… of Heroes) is not apt or appropriate. All sorts of characters are buried in that hallowed site. Pati nga corrupt generals nandiyan. Meron pa ngang aso, canines of the presidential guards. Wala yung mga OFWs na tinatawag na “new heroes.” Mabuti nga siguro palitan na ang pangalan, so we do not desecrate the Libingan supposedly reserved for heroes. Or we keep the name but make sure only heroes are buried there.

Cesar Crisostomo — I suggest Libingan ng mga Bayani? All we need is a question (?) mark at the end. I shudder thinking that a despot would be interred in the hallowed grounds of Filipino heroes. To include a dictator to these deserving heroes would be injustice to them.

Gilbert Cortes — If ever the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos should be buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, then I think the appropriate name would be Libingan ng mga Mandarambong.

Jose B. Bilasano — No name is more suitable than the neutral Pambansang Libingan.

Brig. Gen Rogelio T. Estacio (ret.) — My recommendation: Libingan ng mga Magigiting na Kawal, or Libingan ng mga Kawal. The cemetery is for the fallen soldiers of WWII. The word “Bayani” is a misnomer, as not all interred there are heroes. As Marcos was a former soldier, the word “kawal” will allow his interment there.

Emmanuel Ramos Ortile — What are the qualifications for a person to be buried there? Why did the government allow the burial of Angie Reyes at the Libingan ng mga Bayani when he ended his own life while under a direct accusation that he received millions of “converted money” from the AFP without disproving such and cleansing his image (apologies to his family).

Remberto Maclang — If we believe in the Bible, the place of burial is of no consequence, as it is not the final resting place. Here is my suggestion: Without totally altering the name or sign post Libingan ng mga Bayani, why not erase “mga” and the last letter “i” to leave Libingan ng Bayan?

JT Llacuna - Rename it to Pambansang Libingan/National Cemetery. It will diminish the element of exclusivity, but still maintain a dignified sounding name that befits its intended occupants — heroes, statesmen, public servants and, yes, ex-presidents.

Michael Escober — I like Libingan ng mga Bayani, atbp or perhaps Libingan ng mga Sundalo. After all, FM was a soldier (sundalo). Or just have PNoy order the AFP to declare the current FM burial site as Libingan ng Isang Ilokanong Sundalo. The latter will cost the Filipino people some saliva and a ream of paper.

Karen Po — Just rename the place Ang Libingan.

Jess Santos - Keep its present name and ask the Marcos family to please keep quiet na lang. Forcing the issue now will just divide the nation and might elicit a backlash. Burying the dictator there will mean a smudging of the historical fact of martial rule and the 1986 People Power Revolt.

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