Days of action and uncertainty

These are indeed days of action and days of uncertainty! In one part of the world there is continuous fighting, in the other side, the earth continues to shake. In our country, we seem to have lost the values that Christianity has taught us.
There are great forces of destruction in this world today. Terrorism attacks continue to cast fear all over the world. There are people dying in war torn areas – Libya, Bahrain, Yemen and dead bodies dug from the rubbles in devastated, earth-shaken nations of Japan, New Zealand, and Myanmar. And as we continue to do our daily tasks in different parts of the globe, great issues are being contested with blood, sweat and tears, and by a divided humanity.
Will Gaddafi, Ali Abdullah Saleh and Merci Gutierrez continue to hold on to power at the expense of numerous lives? Will the RH bill be once and for all be passed by the House of Representatives? Will the Ligots finally cooperate and shed light on the AFP “pabaon” issue and other irregularities exposed? Will there be another “hara-kiri” performed by a baffled officer trying to cover up crime and corruption? Will Ping Lacson strut into the Senate amidst the cheers of his colleagues, almost feeling vindicated in the absence of a trial? And will P-Noy’s approval ratings continue to slide down? Abangan!
These are times of dire strife. On the one hand are the aggressors, the likes of Gaddafi and Ali Abdullah Saleh (not to outweigh their Filipino counterparts as well) who have unfurled the merciless standard of hate, brute force and scientific savagery, who hold that might is right, and, maddened with the lust for power, have trampled down ruthlessly and without an iota of guilt all that mankind has held dear, noble, and holy.
On the other hand are those who believe in honor and justice, those who believe in the dignity of man and inherent rights of the individual, those who believe in liberty and democracy, and in the Christian doctrine. These are the days of action: they are also, for all men of goodwill, days of faith, and unwavering loyalty to those sacred ideals.
On the RH Bill: Just right after a big rally done by the Catholic Church against the approval of the RH Bill, big news from America lands on the dailies. Yesterday’s headline (from Reuters) flashed, “US Jesuits reach $166 million sex abuse settlement.” The Society of Jesus has agreed to pay $166 million to settle more than 500 child sexual abuse claims against priests in five states. So what does this tell us? Our world is going nuts! I think it’s about time our pious clergymen stop hypocrisy and live with the times. They must come up with realistic solutions on improving the RH Bill instead of just killing it.
On Merceditas Gutierrez: One cannot help but wonder what factors prevent an educated and highly qualified person to uphold her honor and dignity. Obviously, like the Ligots, she knows more than what meets the eye. She is evading the “core” truth. I hope she does not commit an “Angie Reyes” act of hara-kiri – that would really be unfathomable. If Merci persists in protecting herself against the charges brought upon her, she will only make matters worse and her every word will not only further malign the judiciary but also the Filipino people. Whatever happened to “humility” and statesmanship in this country?
On the Ligots: The Ligots never fail to amuse us. Their very act of drama and imagery cheapens and weakens that respect given to an “Officer and a Gentlemen” of the Corps. Our eyes are glued on this teleserye – hoping that in some point in time justice will be served in this country. How can a former public servant in his own right mind deny the truth to the Filipino people? Shameless.
Let us always try to live up to highest ideals of humanity. We must teach our children to rally behind what is right and just during these times of unlimited national and world emergency. Let every Filipino, man, woman or child, pledge himself fully and unwaveringly to support, promote, cherish, and defend with all his strength of mind, body and heart, even with the sacrifice of life itself, and against all foes, those sacred ideals of the Nation: LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY, and our CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION!
P-Noy should be an inspiration to the people. He should be a strong moral force rallying behind his people to make us better. Unfortunately, his goal of wanting every Filipino to ascend and transcend – seems to be failing. He has chosen the wrong people to lead his government. He has been making reckless decisions much to the chagrin of the whole country. He better tread softly or he will find himself in an abyss of no return. That prince in shining armor, who we were reveling about I think has now turned into a frog.
In this modern world, particularly in the Philippines, it is a sad fact that we are departing from the paths of morality. Men scoff at honesty and mock at Religion. In their pride they think that it is a part of modern civilization and enlightenment to cast off as old fashioned and tattered garments the old norms of moral conduct. Immortality, dishonesty, and impiety are contaminating our youths, have invaded all classes and ranks, have corrupted government officials, who are the legal guardians of truth, equity and justice.
Many consider virtue as effeminate and an unnecessary handicap to success. They are indeed sadly, fatally mistaken in their notion of civilization and progress. To be immoral, to be without scruples of conscience, might be called progress if they insist on calling it so, but surely it is progress in the wrong direction.
There must be mutual respect among all Filipinos regardless of gender, economic status and religious belief. All our actions must not be against the spirit of the Constitution that will in the end cause ill-feeling and mutual antagonism among Filipinos. When this happens we will forever be a country divided, thus, losing our last chance to progress. In these days of action, we need unity and collective strength.
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