EDITORIAL - Protect the educators

Ignorance can be bliss — not for those lacking in knowledge, but for certain vested interests. Among those whose survival could be jeopardized by an improved literacy rate among the populace are corrupt and abusive politicians such as the disgraced former kingpins of Maguindanao, as well as bandits and terrorists.

In Basilan, lawless elements have long targeted schools for destruction and educators for kidnapping and sending a message of fear to residents. Over the years male teachers have been decapitated while women have been raped and mutilated particularly by Abu Sayyaf bandits. In one incident, 15 teachers were held captive by the Abu Sayyaf and then executed.

The latest victim is Cecilia Sosas, principal of Baas Elementary School in Lamitan town, who was kidnapped on Nov. 15. Her whereabouts are unknown. Last Thursday, rumors swept Lamitan that more educators would be kidnapped, prompting supervisors of 11 schools to suspend classes.

This is in a province where education is badly needed to spur development and ease poverty. Last Friday, the military assured Basilan residents of protection if they pushed through with their plan to resume classes tomorrow. This should be welcome news for Basilan residents, but the military is stretched thin in the conflict areas of Mindanao and cannot stand guard around the clock over all schools and teachers in the province.

A community-based response to security threats will ease the burden on the military and police. The involvement of residents in their own protection can be effective, as Palawan residents showed after the Abu Sayyaf raid on an island resort in the province. This works best with full support from the local government, which could be a problem in Basilan where village officials and even some prominent politicians have been linked to Abu Sayyaf members and Islamic separatists. As in Sulu, some Basilan politicians have been linked to ransom kidnapping and other forms of banditry in the province.

Both the lawless and their coddlers must be neutralized even as the government persists in efforts to bring development to Basilan. Education is indispensable in this effort, and the teachers of Basilan must not be discouraged from doing their job. The best reassurance of their safety is to rescue Sosas and capture her kidnappers.

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