"Love if you're feeling empty"

Not long ago there was some kind of a rally supporting animal rights. In this connection, did you know that in Rome it is mandatory for dog owners to walk their dogs every morning?

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And in this connection also, a report in a Korean newspaper says more and more North Koreans are eating dog’s meat. And you thought only residents in one city barangay do it?

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October is Holy Rosary month for Catholics. You pray the Rosary? I do. But Noy Temyong says he prays the Rosary when he’s having a hard time going to sleep.

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Let’s be truthful. How many times do you yawn when praying the Rosary?

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Again, let’s be truthful. How many times have you fallen asleep while praying the Rosary?

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I got this piece of offbeat news from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader: A town in Dunedin, New Zealand, holds a Nude Rugby Invitational where the players are all naked. In 2009, a game was interrupted when a fully clothed streaker ran out onto the field.

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Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader (that’s a thick book containing facts and humor) did not say if the cops nabbed the streaker and made him to undress.

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Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal has been officially replaced by the Vatican and will soon be enjoying his long needed rest. But I don’t think His Eminence will be spending his leisure time doing nothing.

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My friend Dindo Yutang Jr., a former member of the Knights of Columbus said to me” “Expect the good Cardinal to be invited to join some groups of do-gooders and help push forward their community projects.”

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Let me share with you these inspiring lines texted to me while I was in the hospital by Rosalie Bernalez Vallecera, one of Banat News’ writers...

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“Take some time to smile when you’re sad; to rest when you’re tired, to love if you’re feeling empty, to let go if you need to. “Time endures, time heals. In this life just take some time for yourself and always take time to pray. God is so good.”

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E-mail from Aries Navidad, a Cebuano member of an all-Pinoy band in Macau! “Dili ka tingali motuo, Sir, nga bisan ilang ginganlan ang Macau nga ‘Sin City’ walay grabeng sin nga nahitabo dinhi sama sa murder, corruption, etc.”

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Aries Navidad is actually a Bol-anon but calls himself a Cebuano having studied here and lived here for years before going to Macau to look for the proverbial greener pasture.

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Email: nitzjab@yahoo.com.

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