Letter to the editor - Bastille Day: A night of diplomats

Unquestionably, in reading the article published on August 24 in your newspaper, the “Bastille Day” has been a glittering celebration in presence of an important array of government officials and Members of Consular Corps of the Philippines and Consular Corps of Cebu. Truly a night of diplomats as stated.

While it is a tradition to share such annual event with the representatives of local and foreign governments, it is also a tradition to similarly, and in first place, to share this important French National Day with the citizens of the celebrated country. So, why was the entire French Community of Cebu not invited? Why have the French citizens been, again, ignored? Are they not the true guests of honor of such patriotic event?

Is it what we call “Liberté - Egalité - Fraternité”? Obviously, those three words belong to the past and have been replaced by “Submission - Inferiority - Enmity”.

Last June, the greatest French General, Marcel Bigeard, passed away leaving the following message who find true meaning in this occasion:

“Farewell my France, you are not the one I have known, the country’s respect for values, the anthem and the flag, the country’s pride of being French. Farewell my France, trafficking of all kinds, polygamy, laxity, permissiveness, family broken. I will however, remain optimistic and believe in your start. But, who will save you?”

How sad it is to witness lack of unity and absence of respect. We are forsaken. We are treated like “personae non gratae” or “pariahs”. Why?

With great nostalgia. I remember the beautiful song “Douce France” (Sweet France) from the well known French singer, Charles Trenet. The lyrics being “Sweet France, dear country of my childhood, rocked with tender insouciance. I have kept you in my heart. Yes, I love you and I give you this poem. Yes, I love in joy and pain. Sweet France, dear country of my childhood.”

Jean Michaut

Cebu City

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