Farmer in heated altercation with a PUJ driver

FARMER’S GRIPE. A farmer from a city’s mountain barangay was seen locked in a heated altercation with a PUJ driver near a shopping mall at the reclamation area. He was to bring his farm products to the Carbon market but the PUJ driver didn’t want to proceed to Carbon claiming there was something wrong with the jeep’s brake. “Hapit na gyud nako siya duslaka sa tigib nga akong dala,” the farmer said.

DRIVER ESCAPES. The farmer said after his farm produce had been unloaded, he looked for a cop or even just a tanod but saw none. When he got back to where his farm produce had been unloaded, the driver and his PUJ were gone. The farmer was so angry he vowed: “Kun hikit-an ko to’g usab ang animal panitan ko iyang bagol-bagol.”

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