Media personality criticizes "Cebuano English"

CEBU LAUNCH. For the product launch of a giant telecommunications company, they hired a media personality from Manila to host the event. She is known for her flambouyant wardrobe and make-up and the homosexuals have even crowned her as a “gay icon.” She also dabbles in stand up comedy. But in that event, her jokes were less than funny. An Ear informer said, “Gipang okray niya ang mga tawo nga nihatag og speech.”

WEEDINGS? When it was the turn of a Cebuano general manager to speak, he said his company is a good venue for different occasions like birthdays and weddings. When the GM mispronounced the word “wedding” as “weeding”, she immediately pounced on the mistake and said, “Weeding? What weeding? Hahay, Bisaya English. Mga Cebuanos talaga.” The Ear informer later told The Ear, “Hilaw nag smile ang mga tawo. Daghan na turn off niya.”

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