Will Noynoy finish the unfinished EDSA revolt?

The inaugural speech of the 15th President, Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III continues to reverberate through national radio and tv. Pundits seem to have a heyday discussing whether using the word “Wang Wang” was appropriate for an inaugural speech. Basically, the part of Pres. Aquino’s speech that is being dissected was when he said, “Walang lamangan, walang padrino, at walang magnanakaw.” Translated into English, he said, “No more influence peddling, no more patronage politics, no more stealing from the government.”

Pres. Aquino also stressed, “Walang wang wang, walang counter-flow, walang tong. Panahon na upang tayo ay muling magkawanggawa.” In English, this meant, “No more sirens, no more counter-flow, no more extortion. It is time for us to work positively.” As I said, many pundits are discussing these very stirring words of the new President. I don’t blame them; after all, that speech wasn’t far from former Pres. Joseph “Erap” Estrada’s “Walang kaibigan, walang kamag-anak” inaugural speech.

It is unfortunate that Pres. Aquino’s speech was greeted with skepticism and even sarcasm perhaps because most of us have already heard similar speeches in previous Presidential inaugural speeches, which ended in failed promises. The Erap presidency is a glaring example of such a failed promise. But whether Pres. Noynoy needed to mention the word “Wang Wang” in his inaugural speech, I fully concur with his saying it. It’s about time that people having a “wang wang” should be stopped on their tracks.

Wang wang or sirens have a specific purpose. It is used mostly for emergency vehicles like ambulances or firetrucks. But the use of sirens have been misused or abused by previous administrations, not just the Arroyo administration, but also the Presidents before her. This problem is very prevalent in Metro Manila. It is not really as bad here in Cebu, although there are certain civilian vehicles here that sport these sirens for their own selfish purposes.

Because wang wangs have been misused, the result is often troublesome for the emergency vehicles. When a real emergency comes, most motorists no longer give way to them. Gad, when I was in Manila one time, I even saw a van with a media sticker rushing with sirens blaring. Yessir, even the media vehicles in Metro Manila have their own wang wangs. I guess under the Aquino administration, this will no longer be tolerated.

But why do many private vehicle owners have wang wangs in their vehicles? The reason is that, these electronic devices are easily available in car accessory stores. Perhaps the solution to this problem is to make the sale of sirens either stricter, where all sirens sold are officially reported or make ownership of sirens totally illegal. Perhaps the Land Transportation Office (LTO) directive ought to put stiffer fines or penalties for vehicles using unauthorized sirens by impounding these vehicles?

When I was chairman of the Cebu City Traffic Operations and Management (CITOM), my official vehicle had a siren, but I did not have any sirens in my personal vehicle. If I could do without a siren when I was CITOM Chief, surely those other motorists can live without one. People sporting a siren are simply “hambugero” who thumb their noses at those who don’t have sirens, thus making them think that it gives them the right to drive against traffic. This is called counter flow.

As for Pres. Noynoy’s other pronouncements like “No more padrinos or patronage politics”. This practice can by stopped by Pres. Aquino himself if he shows us that he is a leader by example. Everyone knows that for decades now, it is a common practice for people to ask their political leaders to be the baptismal godfather to their children or sponsors in weddings. If Pres. Noynoy wants to put a stop to this, then I suggest that he should issue a directive to all elected and government officials prohibiting them from accepting sponsorships in weddings or baptisms.

What I would like to know is whether this is the radical thinking that Pres. Aquino wants to push. If he does issue such a prohibition, then you can say that a new era has begun, where the Presidency of Noynoy Aquino would truly finish the unfinished revolution that is the EDSA Revolt. If Pres. Aquino truly “walks the talk” of his inaugural speech, then a new dawn has reached our shores. I especially liked his statement that Pres. Aquino’s boss is the Filipino people. This is something that we haven’t heard from our public servants in a long time. For too long, politicians strutted about like they were our lords and masters. Pres. Noy has put them in their proper place.

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Email: vsbobita@mozcom.com

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