Villar people bring own speaker to restaurant

PORTABLE CAMPAIGNING. An Ear source and a friend who went to eat at a local barbecue spot were surprised to hear presidential candidate Manny Villar’s jingle playing. Thinking the candidate was expected to arrive there for a program they sat down to face the stage. But it soon became obvious the music came only from the right side of the stage. They soon traced it to a small group of Villar campaign leaders eating in a table. They had their own portable speaker with them and were playing it at full volume. The group later rose and left, bringing their speaker with them that was still playing at full volume. The source said it was an effective and practical, if not irritating, mode of campaigning.

THEIR FAVORITE. Before they campaign leaders left they were pestered by hungry street kids who were drawn out by the “favorite” jingle. Some of the kids were given coins but most of them were just ignored by the campaign leaders as they munched away. The wilier kids knew how to get their attention and some scraps; sang along with the jingle, something they were very familiar with.

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