

You may eat your words

CTALK - Cito Beltran -

Whenever my wife Karen senses that I’m about to go ballistic or lose my temper, she often reminds me to try not to let things go out of control, “because you know that you will only end up saying sorry later”.

The thought of having to say sorry for something I could avoid is enough deterrent to watch my language and rein in my frustration. Unfortunately, many of those behind the candidates in the Presidential elections don’t have someone who reminds them that they may eventually have to eat their own words.

In terms of our current political situation, it may be well worth for so called key opinion leaders and politicians to pull the brakes on the dirty word war and dirty tricks that have gotten out of hand in the current campaign.

I for one know that the dirty war started by the Liberals and responded to mistakenly by the Nacionalistas has gotten out of hand because just yesterday morning I was already considering dumping both parties publicly and endorsing Gibo or even Gloria Macapagal Arroyo if she were running again. That’s how bad it is!

In fact a scan of radio talk shows revealed that quite a number of hosts as well as listeners were disappointed and displeased with the way the campaign has deteriorated to false accusations and character assassination. The low point came with the false reports that Gibo was going to call a press conference to throw in the towel.

Even a political analyst being interviewed on radio made the case against both parties when the expert said that the reason the Liberals and the Nacionalistas have been dumping on Gloria Arroyo is because both parties only have outlines but no real platform for governance!

The irony in all this is that the Philippines is such a tiny nation, with such a small circle of players who will all live long enough to: regret their harsh words and uncivilized conduct, suffer the consequences of their actions, be embarrassed when one day they have to embrace their worst enemies because they have found someone they hate in common, or grow old enough to admit the stupidity of it all.

Look around you, even within the Liberals, the Nacionalistas and the media. Former friends are now enemies. Former enemies are now allies. Marcos hunters are now the latest Marcos circle of friends. Anti-government activists are now government spokespersons.

Remember the lines: In politics there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, just politics.

The question is why do we “Filipinos” get personal and destructive when it comes to politics? Where other nations talk about the positive and the ideal about their party and their candidates, we in the Philippines dishonor dead fathers, mothers and brothers.

The Liberals and the Nacionalistas attack Gloria Macapagal Arroyo even if she’s not running for the Presidency. They talk about eradicating poverty when even God almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ directly said that we will always have poverty in the world.

Are the people in the Liberal and Nacionalista more powerful than God? Can they resurrect the poor when they can’t even resurrect Ferdinand Marcos so he can face his accusers and stand trial? 

In other countries, the media as a watchdog and information source are usually the ones to bring out an exposé, or reveal certain wrongdoings of certain candidates. In general, the media and their practitioners do so in fulfillment of their professional task and not their individual political leanings.

Sadly in the Philippines, the primary source of false testimonies are the political parties, then one-man PR “firms”, and ultimately media practitioners who seem to forget that we are looked upon for information, balance and objectivity and not how we wear our political colors and also write or talk about them.

Forgive this affront but the fact is, many colleagues particularly the older and the more experienced, act as if it is their personal right to use air- time or column space to attack other candidates except their own. Why not focus on the good things about your candidate or what special things they have done so that somehow others may copy them or be inspired.

Why must we be so vicious, so vile and so full of contempt in our efforts to put down the other candidate? Does it take a pound of hatred for us to feel a measure of satisfaction that we have contributed immensely to the success of “our” candidate? Does the toxicity of our criticism and attack assure us a place of honor in the circle of our future “king”? Of course not!

How many of those rooting and tooting for a candidate have actually done something to improve the quality of life or make a difference in the life of one voter and their family? What real and substantial sacrifice or effort have you made without thought of payback or recognition simply because you want to embody what you believe in your candidate?

Perhaps we all need to set a standard or a rule just like what my wife reminds me of. Before we get carried away or go ballistic, let’s ask ourselves a few questions:

Is my conduct and my actions a reflection of passion or hatred?

Am I doing or saying something in pursuit of a positive aspiration, or sowing disrespect and false accusations? In the privacy of my inner self am I being truthful, or simply a liar finding vain satisfaction in sowing hurt and hatred? Am I merely repeating an unverified statement, made by a friend or a paid professional who makes a living promoting the interests of others?

Could I end up having to eat my words? Will I have the courage and character to really say “Sorry” ?

And if you want something better, read the Book of Philippians chapter 4 verses 8-9.

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