Crucial point
Congress once more did not enact the RH bill into law but its advocates are still bent on pushing for its passage sometime in the future. Apparently the foreign groups out to impose its agenda of controlling the world population have not yet given up on this idea despite so many years of frustrations. In fact they have clandestinely shifted their strategy by working on the local government units (LGUs). Hence in the coming elections, the candidates’ stand on legislations concerning population control particularly the RH Bill is still important in deciding whom to vote especially for the national and local elective posts at stake.
Some candidates say that they are in favor of the RH bill mainly because it promotes family planning which is necessary for the family’s economic well-being; because it recognizes and protects the parents’ right to determine the size of their families based on their ability to provide for their basic needs and wants which are necessary for a happier, healthier and stronger family. Apparently these candidates have not fully grasped the real intent of the bill or they have taken the same deceptive stance of its advocates to ensure its passage and to show that the bill is not really as objectionable as its opponents picture it to be. Indeed they even make it appear that the Church is anti-family planning for opposing the bill and for not supporting them.
This stance is quite misleading. Nobody is against family planning most of all the Church. The Church and many others oppose the RH Bill and the candidates supporting it not because they are against family planning but because they are against the use of artificial methods in controlling births to attain the desired size of the family. They are against the bill because it gives women the right to choose from an entire range of contraceptives made available to them by the bill under the guise of promoting their reproductive health even to the extent of killing innocent, helpless, and defenseless children in their womb. This is so because these artificial contraceptives particularly the chemicals like birth control pills cause abortion or lead to abortion or are even detrimental to the health of mother and child. They are against the RH bill and the candidates supporting it because it interferes or deprives the parents’ basic right and duty in the sex education of their children. They are against this bill because it penalizes those who cannot, in conscience, comply with its anti-life provisions.
The proponents of the bill repeatedly argue that there is nothing wrong with contraception as it merely impedes procreation particularly by the use of external device like condoms to place an artificial barrier between the sperm and the ovum in anticipation of any genital or conjugal act. Indeed these prophylactics are now being openly advertised and used allegedly to avoid the spreading of HIV-AIDS, as a means to have safe sex. The Star banner headline even said that the Government is giving away condoms for free to customers who will purchase roses at Dangwa for Valentine’s Day.
But the latest statistics show that the use of condoms is not fail safe. In fact because of the aggressive promotion of condoms, and their uninhibited use, there is now an alarming rise in HIV-Aids cases. These statistics do not lie. They clearly show that the rise in the use of condoms especially if they are free, also correspondingly increase the number of HIV-Aids cases; and that therefore there is nothing safer than chastity and refraining from extra-marital activity.
The proponents of the RH bill and the candidates supporting it are also pushing for its passage supposedly to check our population growth which is blamed as the cause of poverty and hunger. But the latest statistics again show that our population growth has considerably slowed down; that our population is now aging because of decrease in the number of replacements. Besides, poverty is really caused by many other factors arising from greed and selfishness of people and nations rather than by population growth. This message of Pope Paul VI during the World Food Conference way back on November 4, 1974 is very enlightening in this regard. It shows the true motive of the foreign groups who designed and continue to push for the passage this RH bill.
“It is inadmissible that those who have control of the wealth and resources of mankind should try to resolve the problem of hunger by forbidding the poor to be born. In times gone by, in a past that we hope is now finished with, nations used to make war to seize their neighbors’ riches. But is it not a form of warfare to impose a restrictive demographic policy on nations, to ensure that they will not claim their just share of the earth’s goods? (
These coming elections therefore, it is very important to know the stand of the candidates about the RH bill. Candidates should voluntarily and categorically tell the people whether they are for or against it; no ifs and or buts. On the other hand the electorate must also exert all efforts to find out about the candidates’ position on this bill. They should not be satisfied with vague answers Candidates supporting the RH Bill do not deserve our votes. More so if they are among the sponsors of the bill. It is even our duty to campaign against them and work hard for their defeat especially those running for membership in legislative bodies that will pass upon this bill.
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