Laughter, sex fight virus

Today is Friday the thirteenth. Beware? My friend Teddy H. says: “Why beware?” Today is payday where he works.

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My other friend Ben Ypil is wary about young girls who make “atik-atik” with senior citizens. They end up asking for cellphone load.

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A Hollywood writer says Brooke Shields is one of the more intelligent personalities in showbiz. I used to believe that until I read a quote attributed to her: “Smoking kills. If you're killed you’ve lost a very important part of your life.”

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Did you know that the Internet has spawned addicts in the US that are now needing rehabilitation like the alcoholics? Internet has become addictive.

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So much so that Ron Cousins has come up with this classic statement: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to use the Internet and he won’t bother you for weeks.”

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I was reading an article about some immune boosters and how to toughen our defense against diseases. Two of the 20 ways suggested for us to do to strengthen our protection against viruses caught my interest...

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One. Laughter — Studies show that laughter may boost the immune system and diminish immune-suppressing hormone called cortisol. So laugh even if the world laughs at you.

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Two. Make love — Research shows that individuals having sex once or twice a week may have higher levels of the virus-fighting antibody called immunoglobulin-A. Now I know why many friends of mine never suffered from the flu virus.

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Manny Pacquiao will fight again on Sunday. It’s none of my business but I hope Manny hangs up his gloves, win or lose. He’s made. He’s rich. His wife and his Mommy should convince him to retire while still champ (assuming he wins on Sunday).

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Many boxing observers believe Manny, raking in millions, is being made a milking cow by a lot of people, including his own promoter. One fight fan says: “Tiaw mo na, ang iyang promoter aron lang makasapi paawayon siya batok sa iyang stable-mate nga si Cotto. Kay naa dihay milyones dolyares.”

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