Capitol man fears Gwen would run for VP

A public relations guru in Manila says: “We must learn how to pay a compliment to anyone who deserves it.” Yes, we must. It’s the only pay or payment that’s not subject to VAT.

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Oh, yes, it’s good to pay a compliment to someone who deserves it. Even Mark Twain was for it. He once said: “I can live two months on a good compliment.”

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The Gibo Teodoro camp is pushing for Guv Gwen Garcia as his running mate. A Capitol man says he’s hoping it won’t happen. “Co-terminus ra ba ang akong trabaho kang Mam Gwen,” he shares.

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This Capitol man says: “Malipay gyod si Tom O kon magpatental si Mam Gwen kang Gibo ... kay mawa na ang labad sa iyang ulo.” He refuses to elaborate.

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“Many laws, no enforcement.” That’s the title of Phil STAR executive ed Ana Marie Pamintuan’s column last Monday. Korek ka d’yan, Mam Ana.

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How true. Here in Cebu, for instance, there are many laws wanting in enforcement. “No smoking in jeepneys but many smoke including the driver. There’s an anti-noise ordinance but diskorals and videoke joints don’t give a damn; the noisy music goes on till the wee hours of dawn. Another ordinance bans drunkenness in public places but you see drunks in public places all night long. And so on, and so forth, ad infinitum.

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“Have you observed that most, if not all, our fashion models are thin?” asked my friend Teddy H. “They look as if they’re suffering from anorexia.” Yes, I said. In fact I wrote about it many columns back.

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 “But the supermodel of Australia, Jessica Gomes, is not thin,” Teddy said. “Nindot og lawas. Bus-ok. Well distributed flesh. If she were here, she could not make a living out of fashion modeling. The fashion designers would call her fat.”

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To Atty. Eddie Barrita: Thank you, Ed, for e-mailing to me that article about puns and punning. But most of all, for remembering me.

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To Franklin Sonora, a reader in Tagbilaran: Thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I think it’s better to put Ph.D. after your name than to put Dr. before it. Then sick people in your neighborhood won’t wake you up in the middle of the night for treatment thinking you’re a doctor of medicine.

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