The basic reality of married life

The headline says: “Mar-Korina Wedding All Set.” Let me pass on the Korina a piece of advice from Helga, the wife of Hagar, the Horrible, my favorite character in the Philippine Star comics section. Read on.

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Helga told her — and Hagar’s — daughter: “If you are going to marry, tell your husband the basic reality of a married life ... The husband earns, the wife spends.”

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Erap, in plugging for Makati Mayor Binay as his running mate, said: “Binay will make the Philippines another Makati.” Come again?

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Before I run out of space, here’s a phone call from reader John Santisbanez: “The text message your friend got in his mobile phone (‘It’s Oktoberfest month. Pray the Rosary’, TF, Oct. 23/09) was not meant to be funny, or so I think."

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“Indeed, when Oktoberfest comes around, many get drunk,” said John. “So your reader must’ve thought there is a need for us to pray the Rosary.” Thanks, John, I’m inclined to go along with you.

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I just read an article about the congestion in many of our cemeteries, especially the public ones and those run by the Church. Disobedience to pleas for us to save the environment might have — yes, might have — contributed to this congestion.

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Anyway, one college professor I know has come up with a “solution” to this congestion in our cemeteries. “Let’s bury and dead standing up,” he says. “It saves space.”

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 He says this is not a crazy idea. In fact, according to him, there are now some places in Europe where the dead is buried standing up. “If we do that in the Philippines,” he says, “we will not only be saving space but also money, considering how expensive burial plots are now.”

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This college professor doesn't want his name revealed because ... “Siguradong kataw-an lang ko ug bugalbulan,” he says. “Unya mahuramentado nya ko parehang Wynne Arboleda.” Hehe!

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