Solutions looking for problems

KUWAIT — During the worst of times, it is indeed amazing that we often see the best in many people. Whether in typhoons, floods, earthquakes, epidemics and conflagrations, there always emerge some few good men and women who just want to help without any hidden agenda nor disguised intentions.

These honest-to-goodness people do bring in solutions to the many problems around without asking anything in return. They bring food, clothing, and tools for survival, medicine and first aid supplies. They offer free counseling and entertainment, and give hope to the depressed and joy to the suffering.

They come even if uninvited. They appear even if unexpected. But they always help carry the load, ease the pain, and lighten the burden of the downtrodden.

Here, in the Middle East, we meet a lot of strangers who just emerge from nowhere and offer help. British, Americans, Egyptians, Lebanese, Indians and other Asians, expats and workers. They want to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

We thank God for sending them to us. For the "harvest" of challenges are truly overwhelming and the hands to handle them are too few. We could use a lot of help in trying to respond to the call for services.

They teach and inspire

In my desolation and brink of despair, here in this desert called Kuwait, one day a group of British and Irish ladies came all of a sudden, knocking at our doors.

They heard that we are giving shelter to more than 200 distressed, devastated, abused, traumatized and exploited Filipino women. And they want to help. I interviewed them and after having convinced us that they have no evil motives, we welcomed them with open arms.

They are now allowed to meet our OFWs in distress every week. They teach them how to sew dresses, how to crochet, how to make toys and decorative items. They make bags out of recyclable plastics and they give a portion of the proceeds of the sale to these distressed workers.

It is not about money. It is about repair of broken self-esteem. It is not about business. It is about healing devastated souls from traumatic experiences. Now don't make me account you the money. This are given direct to the women themselves.

Some of these women give lessons in social graces and communications, yoga, and therapeutic interventions, massage and reflexology. Others give spiritual sharing, show films of inspirations and give uplifting speeches. Others just sing for healing and inspiration.

My wife, Emma, volunteers herself as a coordinator of all these activities. The volunteers never get tired working without pay.

What matters most to them is that they are able to help people in distress. And while helping others, they also heal their own brokenness.

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