Dirty finger, rubber boats

CITOM’S FINGER. A source told The Ear he saw someone giving the “dirty finger” to some drivers the other day. While that itself was not really important, it should be mentioned that that person was wearing a City Traffic Operations Management t-shirt and that he was on a vehicle deputized by the CITOM to two illegally parked vehicles. The man, who was with One-Stop towing services, was seen flashing the obscene gesture, in full view of the public, at trisikad drivers when the tow truck passed by Punta Princesa the other day. Pedestrians who saw what he did said his act was totally unbecoming of someone supposed to be deputized by the city government.

CAMPAIGN VEHICLES. During the days following Typhoon Ondoy an Ear source said many rubber boats were readily available in some parts of Metro Manila. But they were not yet sent out to help pick up victims trapped up their roofs or deliver goods to stranded residents. The reason? Many of them did not have stickers yet from the politicians who donated them or just merely joined in the rescue campaign. It was only after it was advertised from whom the help would come from that they were sent off.

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