To be or not to be, in slow grind

The hottest political buzz at the moment is the hitherto inexplicable and dramatic indecisiveness - as in "hele-hele" - of Senator Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III to run for president in the 2010 elections, as if indulging in Shakespearean soliloquy: "to be or not to be".

Clearly, Noynoy's name as main entrée in the pol gossip fare came about at the heels of the public outpouring of emotions on the death of his mother, and capped by a similar passion during Ninoy Aquino's August 21 death anniversary.

Obviously, the high-strung popular reaction came after the histrionics of youngest sister Kris Aquino whose eulogy for her mother subtly egged on Noynoy that whatever political plans he may henceforth venture into, she and her sisters would back him to the hilt.

But all along, Senator Noynoy has had seemingly lukewarm interest in seeking a higher government office. However, lately with the growing and tantalizing titillations from yellow-clad "kibitzers", and getting more strident and demanding, Noynoy has begun to take heed. In fact, his coyness of being yet non-committal appears belied by his body language.

What crystallized the Noynoy Aquino for president agitations came on suggestion of leader emeritus, Ex-Senator Jovy Salonga, to the Liberal Party leadership for a Mar Roxas-Noynoy Aquino tandem, or vice-versa.

And behold, after agonizing lately, Mar Roxas has aborted his presidential ambition "for the good of the country" by giving way to Senator Noynoy.

This early yet, few other covetous wannabes for the Palace plum, say, Erap and Fr. Panlilio et al. who have had subtly dropped hints to ride along the Noynoy Aquino bandwagon, also now appear equivocating, as Noynoy himself behaves like hard to get.

In day-to-day popular stirrings in Metro Manila, the yellow-clad fanatics are growing more clamorous. The almost extinct Roco Aksyon Democratiko has perked up for Noynoy, as well as other Aquino fans. They are even enlisting signatures, urging people to write their political leaders, and chipping in coins to support the movement.

Given the obtaining scenario, the tri-contextual shades of the grammatical syllepsis of "yellow" have amusingly expanded. Literally, yellow refers to the color or pigment per se; its didactic concept being mean, or cowardly. Sparingly, yellow has also been invoked in cheaply sensational reportage as yellow journalism.

But there are further shades or sylleptic contexts of yellow: such as, the connotative sentimental recall of a lost loved one or honor his memory, and/or as warm welcome of a returning loved one; hence, the song refrain of tying a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree.

Foremost metaphor now as louder shade of yellow is the Cory Aquino yellow that united the martial law oppressed nation in EDSA I people power. It was the Cory yellow that promised bright hopes after the dictatorial reign, and in taming the military coup attempts; the same Cory yellow urging GMA to step down; and, the same yellow to galvanize the mourning nation to unite in Cory and Ninoy's memory. And now, also the Cory yellow to boost Noynoy up.

But shorn of maudlin' sentimentalism and the fealty clinging to memories, does Noynoy have that apt answer of being "presidential"? Or, does any of Mar Roxas, Manuel Villar, Erap, Noli de Castro, et al. have "it" to be or not to be?

Being "presidential" isn't just being "presidentiable". It isn't just the appearance or stature, or the overall personality. It's the totality of these and more, like, EQ and IQ, decisiveness, sharpness of mind, integrity and honesty, yeah, his speech, his charisma, his leadership acuity, etc. In short, to borrow that German term, "zeitgeist", it's the quintessence of "intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era". To use the hip query, who among them has "it"?

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