The Facebook farmer

Eskinol mouthwash. A man whose work often had him travel between Cebu City and Toledo City said he has learned a valuable lesson in traveling…always label your toiletries. He learned this after swallowing a mouthful of Eskinol facial cleanser after mistaking it for Listerine mouthwash. He said he usually pack toiletries with him as he often does not know where he has to spend the night. His liquid soap, Eskinol and Listerine are all placed in small Listerine bottles since he likes the size. Then one time he mistook the Eskinol for the Listerine and got a mouthful of the fragrant facial cleanser instead. While he told a friend it did not make his breath any fresher he said he does not have to worry about pimples inside his mouth and gums.

I have three farms. Several college friends got together in a downtown watering hole for a drink after being apart for a few years. As the drinking wore on the conversation eventually veered off to boasting who was richer and who had what. One man boasted that he already had a pig farm somewhere in Mindanao and his profits were soaring despite the swine flu scare. Another man said he had three farms, effectively silencing the braggart. Later when the drinking was done and his friends asked him where his farms were located. He admitted all his “farms” were on his Facebook account.

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