Start from the very beginning
A huge newspaper advertisement screamed: “The little things we do make a big difference. Take part in the battle against climate change now.” And then one notices the featured model for the ad.
A nationwide campaign kicks of with great fanfare, urging Filipinos to take destiny into their own hands by making their vote sacred and count. And then one realizes who is in the forefront of the campaign.
The Senate is about to embark on yet another investigation, this time striking closer to home by looking into the ethical behavior of one of its own members. And then one recognizes who the lead investigator is.
In the first paragraph, the rallying cry to take drastic and immediate action against one of the most pressing problems the whole world is facing gets a sudden dousing of cold water in seeing that the featured model is a woman whose credibility is scraping rock bottom.
In the second paragraph, the impassioned plea to correct what is clearly the main reason why the Philippines has not found the right direction is promptly silenced on seeing the campaign is being led by a group known to have its own agenda.
In the third paragraph, an initiative that would have redeemed the legislature from perceptions of being addicted to useless investigations succeeds in getting more condemnation after the lead investigator is found to be more worthy of being investigated himself.
And so the biggest question that stares most Filipinos in the face is what to do then. How and when sould Filipinos start undertaking the badly needed repairs to his badly damaged house when the their good intentions cannot be untrusted to the wrong hands.
Calling on Filipinos to do their bit against climate change, in protecting the ballot, or putting a stop to official excesses are very worthy causes indeed. They are all worth any time and effort to undertake.
But how can there be any earnestness in the effort when they are being initiated by the very people or organizations most Filipinos would rather stay away from such initiatives as far away as they can.
For any initiative undertaken by these entities, no matter how well-meaning and inspiring, cannot hope to stand the test of seriousness simply because those who are initiating them do not have the credibility and integrity to inspire the required confidence.
The frustration and despair that set in on arriving at this realization can be killing. We die a thousand deaths just pondering on the sad state and saga of this once-beautiful country.
Perhaps, the only way we can start truly rebuilding the country is not to rely on the current crop of leaders, be they individuals or institutions, because it cannot be said with certainty that they have not been corrupted in some way along the way.
Maybe we should start from the very beginning, with the very young. Maybe it is truly with the youth that hope for the future must come. Maybe by ensuring that the young grow up to become God-fearing and respectful of others can we hope to have a fresh and credible start.
If we ever have to embark again on any initiative, let it be directed toward ensuring that the young is shielded and protected from the pernicious and corrupting influence of the elder generations. Only if we can do that will this beautiful country have a chance to survive.
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