Trimming the list

It is true that under our Constitution (Article VII Section 2), any natural-born Filipino citizen, at least 40 years old on the day of the election, able to read and write, who is a registered voter and a Philippine resident for at least ten years immediately preceding an election is qualified to become our President. And Governor “Among” Ed Panlilio of Pampanga who is on leave from his priesthood ministry apparently possesses those qualifications. So there is nothing wrong in grooming him for the Presidency. But is he being considered as a Presidential timber because he is well versed in Statecraft and in the science or art of government, or simply because he is a priest molded in manner and style exactly opposite that of our current crop of politicians?

Obviously Panlilio’s supporters are grooming him as a presidential candidate at this early stage of the game more because he is a priest with stronger moral backbone. And this is just a clear indication that a great number of Filipinos are increasingly becoming desperate for a principled leader who is entirely different from our current crop of politicians. They want to completely change the face of Philippine politics which has been outrageously dirtied to the core by too much lying, cheating, stealing, greediness, bad governance and lack of transparency. They still see traces of that face among the “presidentiables” who are already making a beeline at the starting gate of the presidential derby. To them only Panlilio appears to be without any trace of dirty politics.

Indeed the names of Isabela Governor Grace Padaca and Jesse Robredo of Naga City who are both RM awardees for government service are also being floated aside from Panlilio. They evidently represent a new face much “fresher” than the ones being groomed by the traditional political parties that have been alternately catapulted to power under a failed political promise of changing and never again reverting back to the rapacious Marcos regime overthrown by non-violent people power revolution of 1986.

Frankly however I still fail to see in these three “political musketeers” such leadership which inspires bright hope and strong belief that the much needed change in our government and in our politics is in the offing. Somehow they haven’t caught the peoples’ fancy of a “man on horseback” whom they can trust to lead them towards the establishment of a government “of the people, by the people and for the people”. With their track record in their present position, it is really hard to discern whether they have the political savvy to thwart the expected attempts of shrewd traditional politicians with insatiable lust for power to gobble them up once they are in power. It still remains to be seen whether they have the acumen to wield the tremendous powers of the presidency without fear or favor and always for the common good; nor have they shown the ability to choose independent minded people to assist them in running the government, whose loyalty to the country over and above anything and anyone else is beyond question. In short, they do not have or have not so far shown the same qualities of a Ramon Magsaysay Sr. who came like a brilliant shooting star to brighten the bleak political horizon of this hapless Republic during its infancy.

Political reality therefore dictates that the groups pushing for genuine government and political reforms should not limit their choice to these three fresh faces. They should cast their nets further in search for many others who have the same strong moral fabric, unbending political principles and purity of intention. I am sure there are many Filipinos in public service or in private endeavors of the same mettle or even higher caliber than Panlilio, Padaca or Robredo especially when it comes to running the messy affairs of a State like the Philippines. Having a wider field of choice for these reformist groups’ presidential candidate ensures a wiser selection of the best candidate they can present to the people

And it is not also too early to talk about the 2010 elections and the candidates for various offices from the president down. Having longer time to decide also ensures a more thorough and proper exercise of the right to vote. It will likewise help aspirants decide whether to proceed or back out of the race.

For a change a list of the criteria that will help voters decide whom not to vote for instead of whom to vote for may be drawn up. With so many candidates aspiring for various positions, adopting a process of elimination eases the work of voters come election time. Hence the following candidates for president and for other elective positions should already be scratched from our list:

1. The administration backed candidates and/or those openly supporting and defending the administration. Electing them would only mean that we will have more of the same kind of governance we have now;

2. Those who deceitfully violate our election laws by indirectly campaigning before the start of the campaign period and by overspending on TV ads promoting their achievements and on posters in public places conveying their greetings of “Merry Christmas”, “Happy New Year”, “Happy Valentines”, “Happy Fiesta”, “Happy Easter” etc. These candidates violating the very laws they are supposed to observe and uphold certainly don’t deserve our votes;

3. Those tainted with corruption, ineptness and other irregularities whether still in public service or trying to make a comeback;

4. Well known practitioners of traditional politics of money, machinery and patronage and/or those who are publicly known to have cheated and/or to have committed fraud and deceit in previous elections;

5. Candidates with personal or third party vested interest to protect and/or with known connections to drug and gambling lords; and

6. Candidates running only because of their celebrity status or popularity but lack of experience in public service or having sufficient knowledge about the duties and responsibilities of the positions they are aspiring for.

For the sake of our country, the abovementioned candidates should reconsider their decision to run. In the presidential race, aside from the Lakas and Kampi choice, the following personalities who have indicated their intention to run should already back out: Estrada, Lacson, Binay, Villar, Escudero, Teodoro, Legarda and Genuino.

I know my appeal will fall on deaf ears but it is better conveyed than left unsaid so that our voters can properly decide.

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