Reader's views: Reaction to "Shooting Straight" column

Mr. Valeriano "Bobit" Avila:

I am on vacation here in Cebu and I read your column. You hit the nail right on the head by saying that "Now it is the US saying our judiciary is corrupt." Rightly so.

Take the case of the complaint of the University of San Agustin Employees Union in Iloilo City. The copy of the Supreme Court decision (GR 169632) appears as highly irregular and clearly tampered. The circumstances surrounding the decision are so anomalous. The response from the Supreme Court as to this particular issue creeps at a snail's pace. Why?

The problem involves a Catholic university run by priests. Yet, after many letters, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines never replied. Why?

When the courts lose their integrity, who will believe in the law? When the Church loses its integrity, who will believe in "God's commandments"? These two agencies of man and God must get back the trust and confidence of the people, lest this country goes to the dogs.

For more than three years now, the Union is still on strike. Can any of them reply as to the complaint of the USAEU-FFW?

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