Save Cebu City Library!

The following email sent to our class by Horace Senagan, a graduating student of the University of the Philippines, deserves to reach Bimbo Fernandez, Councilor Young and the other officials of Cebu, those who will finally decide the fate of the endangered Cebu City Library. Below is an abridged version of Horace’s sincere call to all to save the Cebu City Library!

“While doing the PAMSI project, specifically the adopt-an-animal project, I opted to adopt a bird which is commonly seen in our locality. the “tamsi”. Whenever I would search for information about local history or anything about Cebu, I would always go to the Cebu City Public Library (or the Rizal Memorial Library and Museum, because the public library is located in the building) simply because I could always find useful and helpful information there. On my visit last December, I was fortunate because the librarians guided me to a book entitled “Birds of Cebu and Bohol” by Arribas Jr., Kintanar, and Puentespina (2007).

Seeing that the information in the book regarding the tamsi or the olive-backed sunbird would be sufficient for my project, I copied immediately the information found there. However, before I could use the information, I needed to ask permission from the author. Consequently, before I submitted the written report, I sent an e-mail to one of the authors asking permission for the use of details of the tamsi for my project. Luckily, he replied granting me permission to use it. He also shared about the threat of closure that the public library is facing.

As Cebu Daily News celebrates its 11th anniversary, it has devoted special coverage on the plight of the Cebu City Public Library since Sunday, February 8, 2009. Unexpectedly, the e-mail that I sent to Mr. Arribas for this STS40 project has been featured also in the Feb. 8 issue, with the title “Not just for birds: a curious student finds his answer.”

As a student who had experienced the leisure and benefit of reading and learning from the materials in the public library, I urge you to read and know what is happening to the Cebu City Public Library, especially that it is featured almost everyday in CDN starting Sunday. I assume, that to a certain extent, you have your own experience with the Rizal Memorial Library. Please share it… Support the Cebu City Public Library!”

What will it take to save the Cebu City Library? Should budget be the only consideration to save this very important historical structure?

 Apart from its historical worth, it is difficult to measure learning and education in monetary terms but these are the immeasurable benefits that the Cebu City government can provide to their constituents, especially the youth and the students, especially the poor, especially those who cannot afford to pay their way into private libraries or schools.

Millions are allotted for Cebu’s garbage. Also, Sinulog is just for a day, for a weekend but millions are allotted for the event. The historical, educational, and learning benefits of the Cebu City Library go beyond a day, beyond a generation, beyond time and no budget can be allotted for the public library?

Time for Cebuanos to rally behind this call to save the Cebu City Library!

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