Motorbike racers in Talisay making so much noise
MOTORBIKE RACING. A resident of Talisay City reports that motorcycle racing is held almost every night on a road in San Isidro going to SRP. The complaining resident says the racers gather in the said place at about 11 pm to 2 am and they create so much noise which include the revving up of their motorbikes. “Pwerte gyong sabaa sa mga motor... Di mi makatulog tarong labi na’g adlaw’ng Sabado,” he claims.
RUGBY BOYS. Boys from 5 to 10 years of age sniffing rugby from a plastic bag have become a common sight in the city. During the last Sinulog, a balikbayan doctor saw two rugby boys sniffing. He took their pictures and you know what? The doctor told The Ear the boys stopped sniffing, posed before his camera, and made a victory sign with their fingers. On the same day, the same balikbayan saw more boys, about five for them, “having a grand time sniffing rugby” in another place. “Gipasagdan na lang ni sila?” the doctor asked his guide who answered: “Mora’g mao na, Sir.”
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