For all the bad publicity that the Philippine National Police often reaps, the organization in fact has many dedicated, competent men and women who are on call around the clock and who are ready to put their lives on the line any time in the name of public service. For these cops, the job can seem like a thankless one. When they fail to stop the bad guys, they are damned by the public. When they do stop the bad guys, they are still damned by other critics.

Despite some of the PNP’s rotten eggs, despite the scandals and mistakes, people still sleep soundly at night because there are cops who risk their lives and patrol the streets. Without the law enforcer around to serve and protect, anarchy and criminality would reign. Cops’ imperfections are quickly condemned, while commendations come slowly for a job well done. Often the only source of consolation and achievement for the dedicated members of the PNP is their badge and the great responsibility that it represents.

The present PNP hierarchy, which started off on the right footing toward reforms, was hit early on by the euro generals controversy, yet it continues to vigorously pursue a transformation program that will further professionalize the organization, unify its ranks and improve the capabilities of its 125,000 members. PNP chief Director Jesus Verzosa has ordered leadership training at all levels, while taking care of the morale and welfare of the men and women on the frontlines of keeping the peace. The Purpose Driven Life seminars, for example, have benefited 75,880 personnel so far.

There is still much work to be done to keep the crime rate down in a developing country with a booming population. With only 125,000 PNP members for a population of 85 million, there is only one cop per 680 people. Local government units must augment and support the needs of their respective police forces by providing, among other things, additional patrol cars and equipment.

A strong police visibility, quick reaction time and efficient crime solution are reassuring to the public. As the PNP marks its 18th anniversary today, its dedicated members deserve applause, and encouragement to continue the transformation of the organization.

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