LETTER TO THE EDITOR: John McCain vs. Rene Bullecer

He may have lost but his style of conservatism will not fade away. I admire John McCain for his smart approach and dedication to service. While he promotes conservatism, he does it based on principle instead of the blinding influence of religion.

It is a shame that the Republican party, moralists and other conservative politicians use religion as a driving force to manipulate people. Not only that, they shamelessly go out discriminating others and violating people's basic freedoms. This style of conservatism must be eradicated.

McCain, luckily, is not like that. Not only is his approach conservative, he takes an open mind on political issues that his party dislikes. Many times, he took sides with Democrats on such issues like immigration and campaign finance reform. He is not racist as well, nor does he play favorites when it comes to culture and faith. For these acts, he is a true maverick senator that Cebu and the rest of the Philippines badly needs.

When it comes to having conservative leadership here in Cebu, I would select John McCain over Rene Josef Bullecer anytime.

Let us reform conservatism by prioritizing principle over religion.

Jake Moralde


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