Black and white affair for Obama

The recent US presidential election which kind of took the world by storm was a black and white affair with the black prevailing in colored fashion.

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US President-elect Barack Obama is not new to black and white affairs. His father is black but his mother is white. Which resulted in his being brown.

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With Barack Obama's landslide win, black is now considered beautiful. What happens now to the whitening creams and soaps?

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A rabid follower of Barack Obama was heard saying he was batting for the candidate he called a "blackbuster."

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I like the attitude of Sen. John McCain. Although he lost to his Democratic opponent, he didn't kick. He didn't protest. He didn't raise Cain.

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Correct me if I'm wrong. No Pinoy politician -- let alone those from the ranks of the trapos -- was heard praising the beauty of the US election ... the sportsmanship of McCain, the graciousness of Obama, the no-hard-feelings of Bush. I don't wonder why.

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E-mail from Nolito Sanchez, a Cebuano residing in Los Angeles, California: "I have observed one little (big?) difference between the US and Philippine news media in the matter pertaining to the publication of the pictures and names of menor de edad crime suspects. Our newspapers in RP like yours are careful not to mention the names of young criminals and you cover the faces or blur them if at all you decide to print them. I have observed that this is not so in American journalism."

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Mr. Sanchez's e-mail continues: "A crime is a crime and a criminal is a criminal. Why hide his identity if he or she is what you call 'minor'? Here in America, those young punks who kill are identified and their pictures are printed without blurring their faces. Oh, well, the US and RP are not one."

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I would like to thank Nolito Sanchez for his e-mail and also for his observation relating to the publication of the names and photos of menor de edad crime suspects/criminals. Actually, this is not the first time I received an observation on this issue. The first one said: "The Philippine press is just too protective of its youth including the rotten ones."

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From the topic on youth, let's shift to the subject of senior citizens. Banat News, TF's sister daily under the umbrella of the Philippine Star Group of Publications, is running a twice-a-week column devoted mainly to the affairs of senior citizens (oh, yes, our seniors also have affairs). Entitled "Senior Citizens Corner," the column is handled by Antolin "Iyo Antoy" de la Serna and is intended to be our seniors' sounding board. Iyo Antoy will entertain any and all communications related to senior citizens including their problems and other concerns. Interested parties may get in touch with Iyo Antoy through cellphone number 0916-6484650.

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