Two young kids play dangerous game

A MISSTEP IS DEATH… Horrified jeepney passengers watched as two young boys, not even teenagers, played a dangerous game along N. Bacalso Avenue. First they grabbed onto a jeepney at the corner of Carlock St. and sat on the running board shouting at other vehicles, during a traffic stop they moved to another jeepney and hung from its sides, all the while egging each other to do dangerous stunts. When they were shooed off at South Bus Terminal they both went out through the window and grabbed on to another jeepney. Later deciding the jeepney was moving too slow they jumped onto the back of a moving taxi seen heading to Osmeña Blvd.

THE QUESTION IS WHY? The passengers of a jeepney later debated among themselves why the boys did that. While some passengers said the boys were just heading somewhere and did not have fare, other suggested that they were just playing a game to amuse themselves. One passenger had a scarier theory: The two young boys were high on rugby and looking for a creative way to die.

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