Thoughts to guide us by (For June 2008)

God gave us brains to think and hearts to feel. The brain acts as the body’s locomotive — directing and controlling it, while the heart is the seat, the anchor of our emotions. More often than not, on decisions we make, on steps we take, on the path we tread, our brain contradicts the heart.

Decisions based on emotions are almost always irrational and devoid of logical, strong facts to stand on.

For this reason, how many countless times and how many countless peoples have let their emotions rule over their heads, and in the process ruined their careers, destroyed families, gone bankrupt, financially, morally and spiritually. Tragically, some even bring their countries down — causing massive suffering!

In everything, the mind-over-heart policy must prevail, as emotions can be tricky, changeable, and at times treacherous. Thus, affirming the age-old adage that he who keeps his head surges ahead.

The wisdom to think, analyze and decide factually and rationally nestles on our brains — which God provided us with to enable us do what is BEST for ourselves that are equally RIGHT and JUST for our fellow pilgrims in life, and thus leave meaningful footprints . . . when we pass on the torch.

Peace and abundance to us all!!!

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