EDITORIAL – Taking the bait

Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña loves to throw a piece of meat to the hounds and see how they will instantly rip it to pieces. He has been doing that ever since he became mayor. The perpetual smirk on his face is born of his success in this particular endeavor.

A few days ago, he tossed the names of Vice Mayor Michael Rama and former councilor Joy Augustus Young. Whether he did it for kicks or for some very real reason, he was not to be disappointed. Atan Guardo promptly pounced on it.

Poor Atan. Now Osmeña knows with the definiteness of seeing a man pushed into the spotlight who and what he is up against at the next political crossroads. As to Rama or Young, they may be it or they may not. The only thing certain at this point is Atan. Ha ha ha.

Anyway, since the fish has been caught ( in the mouth, as always ) and landed, Atan is left with no other choice than to prepare the way he is to sizzle in the frying pan. Will he learn his lessons from the last time, or will he make the same mistakes again?

When Atan ran against Cuenco for the south congressional district in the last election, he was up against a very seasoned politician, someone you do not go head-to-head with in any of the traditional aspects of the game.

What Atan should have done was to present himself as a clear and distinct alternative to Cuenco, and as such, as somebody with a platform that was different from that of the incumbent.

But Atan chose to slug it out gutter style. Well, he certainly picked the wrong guy to fight that kind of fight. Those who might have considered going for something new and different saw none of the sort. So if the choices are the same, people will always go for the tested.

The way Atan pounced on the meat tossed by Osmeña suggests he has not learned his lessons. People need to be mesmerized by something grand, as only befits a bustling metropolis like ours. If Atan prefers a brawl, even decent guys like Rama and Young will trash him.

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